
He hides the fact he keeps crying for his fox toy, as he doesn't want to ruin the mood for Zhongli's upcoming birthday, but it's kinda evident. Like the fact he is up to something, as he has been busy in all sort of things ever since the day after Christmas. He really think that he is managing to keep the party a secret, but the same way as he tried to keep secret the fact he ate two different kinds of spam the same evening. He is still too little to be effective at that.

While Chan is out, he heads to the kitchen to discuss a few things with the cooks and when it comes to the cake… he is actually pointed to Elton. There really are many people in the palace who genuinely believe that he is a baker who was hired by the King, since they saw him buy ingredients at the market and they know he prepared the panettones.
So, WooPil decides to go to speak with Elton about the cake for Zhongli's birthday. He goes alone, only followed by Mela. Despite being overall shy, he feels a little more confident than usual, with Elton.

The "baker" is actually very nice and agrees to every idea and request WooPil has about the cake, never looking bothered or trying to impose a different plan. Elton even asks him to draw a sketch to know exactly what he wants the cake to look like.
When done talking with Elton, WooPil remains outside the residence — but always inside the palace — walking by himself in the snow.
He stops by one of the garden structure and sits on a stair, playing with snow.
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1 | Dec 28th 2023 16:09
Woopino «Daddy is so terrible when he gets angry?» He gasps at the thought. «I… I really hope it will never happen…» He will start to avoid spam as a whole, just to be sure.
«Dad likes almost every food, he just does… doesn't like seafood.» Now Jiwon knows what her favourite dish can be. «We will make many potatoes and meat and also… also good veggies and rice! And the soup with nascent bamboo shoots! We won't make it too spicy… daddy can add chilly powder in his own…» Or buldak itself.
«Porchetta?» He presses the microphone icon on the Google app and asks it how porchetta is made, then shows her the screen with the results.
«Sh… shi… he should make you a kirsmas gift too.»
Oold "Who knows. As I said, Nortrig is still in one piece." She smirks for a moment.
"Seafood? Why wouldn't he like it? It is so tasty and delicious." She raises a brow, baffled by the revelation. "What a weird old man...
Brillant. There'll be Jing Yuan at the party?" Academical purposes, as usual.
She takes her chin while watching the results. "This device is indeed very handy...where did you get it?" She doesn't even need to write, she is lazy of course.
"I'll be very disappointed if he doesn't." She is shameless!!
Woopino «Wh… when daddy will be angry the world will many pieces…?» he asks in a lower voice, genuinely concerned.
«I do… don't know why he doesn't like it, but it's true. He really doesn't want to eat it ever. I… I think that everyone don't like one food and for daddy it… it's seafood…» He still has to find out what himself doesn't like.
«Shi, he will be at the party too!»
He ponders. «Big brother Chan go… got it from me. I think that he buys it from Seoul and then doctor Lani does something to it, to give it magic…»
Oold "I'm certain you could never anger him to the point he would tear the planet apart. Granny is playing with you.
Only one food, can't say it is my case. Morax has never been picky." She mostly has food she dislikes. XD
"That's good. I really like your dad Jing Yuan." She doesn't want to pester Zhongli with WooPil so she avoids comments how Jing Yuan is better than him. XD She'd always tease Zhongli.
"That's another gift Chan should be working on..." She shakes her head slightly. "I can't believe only you thought about me, my precious."
Woopino «… I hope…» He always overestimates his own skills at making people angry.
«I… I don't know what food I don't like, though… I never tried it yet…» He'd like even the Hogwarts menu, probably.
«He is nice too bu… but… he works a lot and I don't get to see him often… he should live here with us too…» He misses the times when they were all staying in the same building.
«I will tell big brother to get you a phone and a spam with cheese, granny… as soon as he comes back with the nascent bamboo shoots.» And hopefully without unsealing some forgotten evil God.