MHA Writing Sample

The early morning sun begins its ascent over the horizon, painting the sky above Mustafar in hues of deep orange and pink. Rays of light slowly pierce through the city's skyline, casting a warm and gentle glow that heralds the start of a new day. Slowly, but surely, the sun's golden tendrils stretch across the urban landscape, illuminating the towering buildings and busy thoroughfares with a soft, ethereal light. The once dimly lit streets of Mustafar begin to come alive as the sun's rays dance upon its surfaces.

In the streets, the streetlights begin flickering off, one by one, their duties as guides now fulfilled. Not long after, the glow of the various neon signs, which painted the vast cityscape in vibrant, electric colors, begin to dim as well, yielding to the natural light now encompassing the streets.

As the sun's light spills over the city, the streets of Mustafar gradually begin to stir with life.

Shopkeepers commence the ritual of opening their storefronts, deftly flipping their signs from "Closed" to "Open." The alluring scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts from nearby cafes, a siren call for patrons in search of their morning caffeine fix. Commuters steadily gather around the bus stops with the low rumble of engines announcing the departure of the first trains, transporting weary passengers to their intended destinations.

In the heart of Mustafar, within a modest apartment building, the dawn's light gently begins seeping through the window of a certain green-haired hero loving boy named Izuku Midoriya. As the early morning sun cast a soft, golden glow through Izuku's room, it played the role of a patient alarm clock, gently coaxing him awake. As his consciousness stirred, he gradually became aware of the tranquility that enveloped him. The room seemed to hold its breath in the hush of dawn.

Then, suddenly, that serenity was shattered by a familiar and enthusiastic declaration.

***"I AM HERE!"***

The triumphant declaration repeated itself, each word ringing through the room. The voice was unmistakable, belonging to none other than All Might, Izuku's hero and inspiration. The proclamation had come from his cherished alarm clock, which had burst to life with unwavering zeal. Izuku's eyes fluttered open slowly, heavy with sleep. He blinked away the remnants of dreams, his gaze drifting around the room. The soft, golden light filtering through the curtains painted everything in a warm, surreal glow.

"The symbol of peace... Morning already..." he mumbled, his voice a groggy protest against the early hour.


His eyelids felt heavy, as if weighted down by the remnants of slumber. Izuku's struggle to keep them open was evident in the way they fluttered, threatening to drift back into the realm of dreams. With every blink, he fought to push past the grogginess clinging to his mind like a stubborn fog. With little sense of urgency in his movement, he sluggishly reached his hand out for his alarm clock, his fingers moving in their quest to silence the heroic call.

***"STOP EVIL VIL–”***

With a satisfying click, Izuku succeeded in silencing the alarm. Slowly, he came to his senses, a familiar weight settled in his mind– a reminder of the late-night indulgence he couldn’t resist. His gaze shifted to the clock on his nightstand, and he sighed as he realized how little sleep he had gotten.

“Ugh, HeroTube,” he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with regret. “I shouldn’t have stayed up so late watching hero videos.”

Despite his weariness, a wistful smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he thought back to the electrifying debut of Silver Rose, the newest Pro Hero who had captured his attention on HeroTube.

“Silver Rose is so amazing,” he mused, his fatigue momentarily forgotten as he recalled her inspiring actions in the vid. Mustering what little energy he had left, Izuku let out a small grunt and pushed himself up with his hand. Sitting up in his bed, he shoved aside his cozy blanket and as he did, he immediately felt a strong shiver coursing through his body as the morning air prickled his skin.

Taking a moment to acclimate to the chill, Izuku's eyes fell upon the heroes that adorned his room.

Dominating the corner of her room was a vivid poster of Miruko, the fierce and agile Rabbit Hero. In the image, she was captured in mid-leap, her gaze blazing with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very paper. Standing on the shelf beneath her is a limited edition figurine of Present Mic, the Voice Hero. It showcased the hero with his iconic oversized headphones along with a bold grin on his face, radiating positivity and the power of unity through the strength of his voice.

But the most prominent hero, the one that commanded the center stage of his room, was that of All Might.

The poster of the Symbol of Peace himself was showcased in his most iconic pose: towering, muscular, and beaming with an unbreakable spirit. Every detail was captured perfectly, from the iconic smile to the triumphant pose with a raised, clenched fist. Beneath the large poster were various All Might action figures.

Each one stood tall and proud, their muscular forms and heroic poses served as a daily reminder of his greatest inspiration. Each figure captured a different facet of All Might's indomitable spirit, from his trademark smile to his iconic, thumbs up pose.

They were more than mere toys; they were symbols of hope and the embodiment of the hero he aspired to be.

"Today's the day," Izuku murmured, a spark of excitement igniting in his eyes, "I'll be taking my first step in U.A! The very halls All Might himself walked when he was training to be a hero!"

Just the mere thought sent a surge of adrenaline through him, and a wide, determined smile graced his face. The dream he had nurturing for so long was now finally within reach, and he couldn't wait to take that first step toward his heroic future

He reached for his hero-themed slippers, each one emblazoned with the familiar All Might emblem and slipped them on. They were a gift from his mom, a small but cherished token of her support for his dreams to go and attend U.A. Just as he was about to get up onto his feet and head over to his closet to get dressed, he paused. An intrusive thought slowly begins worming its way into his mind.

'I wonder if he made it in,' he thought bitterly.

A vivid image of his former friend, a boy with wild, spiky blond hair flashed before his mind, his words echoing, “I’M GONNA BE THE NEXT NUMBER ONE AFTER ALL MIGHT!”. The image flickered between his big, confident smile and the look of rage and anger. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the mirror.

There, staring back at him, were the burn scars etched deeply into his face.

The right side of his face, from his temple down to his cheek, carried the marks of burns, a painful testament to the fire that had engulfed him. The skin was discolored and textured, a harsh contrast to the smoothness of his untouched left side. His right eye, once bright and full of curiosity, was now surrounded by the twisted and raised tissue of the burn scars. The freckles on the right side of his cheek, once more prominent, were now faded and harder to see.

For a moment, he was lost in thought, memories of the incident flooding his mind.

"Kacchan… heroes help people, not hurt them. What you're doing... it's not right. You're acting like a villain."

“They never give up, so I won’t either,” Izuku murmured to himself, drawing strength from the symbols of hope that surrounded him.

Then, without warning, an unexpected and searing twinge of pain shot through his entire right side like a lightning bolt. Instinctively, his left hand shot out and clamped down on his right bicep, as if trying to physically contain the pain. His fingers dug into the muscles of his arm, seeking some form of relief or control.

“Not…again!” he hissed through his clenched teeth, his voice trembling with discomfort. It felt as if an invisible blade had sliced through his right arm, and he couldn’t suppress a sharp, involuntary gasp. Every muscle in his body tensed, and he could feel his heart racing as he grappled with the agony surging within him. His vision momentarily blurred as he clenched his teeth even harder, desperately trying to stifle the cry threatening to escape his lips.

Seconds ticked by and gradually, he regained control over his body. The writhing pain began to ebb, replaced by a dull, persistent ache that verberated through his entire right arm. With great effort, he slowly opened his eyes, his gaze shifting downward to his right arm, which was a constant source of pain and determination. Hidden beneath the fabric and away from prying eyes, there was no flesh, no hand.

Only a carefully concealed stump.

With a trembling hand, he slowly released his grip on his bicep, his fingers slick with sweat before setting his left arm down at his side. His breathing was labored and his body felt drained, as if he had just endured a grueling battle.

"Izuku, it's time to wake up, sweetheart," Inko's soothing voice echoed through the room, soft and full of maternal concern.

The sound of her voice, filled with warmth and love, acted like a lifeline, tugging him away from the painful memory that had engulfed him. Slowly, he blinked away the remnants of his traumatic recollection, his heart still racing.

"Mom," he finally managed to croak, his voice strained from the emotions that had gripped him. "I'm awake."

With her son's response, Inko entered the room, her gentle smile unwavering. She approached Izuku, who was still sitting on the edge of his bed, his gaze fixed on the All Might memorabilia that adorned his room. Inko's eyes were filled with understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the battles Izuku faced every day.

"Breakfast is ready, dear," she said softly, her hand resting on his shoulder with a comforting squeeze. "Take your time getting ready. I'll be in the dining room."

With a deep breath, he began to gather himself, summoning the strength to move forward. With determined resolve, Izuku began to get dressed, methodically putting on his uniform. Each button, each shoelace, was a reminder that he could adapt and overcome, even in the face of adversity.

With his school uniform neatly donned and a renewed determination in his heart, Izuku made his way down the hallway.

"Thank you, Mom," he replied, his voice soft but filled with warmth.

Izuku then sat down at his kitchen table, a steaming bowl of katsudon on the table in front of him. The sight and scent of the breakfast brought a nostalgic sense of comfort. The delicious aroma of the crispy pork cutlet, savory sauce, and fluffy rice filled the air, momentarily easing the lingering ache in his right arm. He picked up his chopsticks with his left hand and took a bite, savoring the comforting taste that always seemed to soothe his soul

Today was a significant day for him as a student in the Support Course at U.A. High School, the prestigious academy for aspiring heroes. It was going to be his first day of school with classes that focused on developing cutting-edge hero support equipment and gadgets.

After finishing his katsudon, he meticulously cleaned up, ensuring his apartment was neat and organized. He then grabbed his bag, filled with tools and prototypes he had been working on tirelessly.

Outside, the morning sun bathed the city in a warm glow. Izuku headed towards the train station, the anticipation of the day's lessons and projects driving him forward. He knew that even without a Quirk, he had a vital role to play in the world of heroes, supporting them with his innovative creations. As he boarded the train to U.A. Izuku couldn't help but smile. After a short, 10 minute ride, Izuku stepped off the train and made his way towards U.A. It didn't take even five minutes before he spotted the famous U shape building looming high in the distance. The campus loomed ahead, an impressive sigh with his towering gates as students of all shapes and sizes walked through them. Taking a deep breath, he pushed down his anxious jitters and proced to apporach the gate and pull out his student ID as it scaned it.

"STUDENT CONFIRMED" The robotic voice echoed, granting him access.

Upon hearing those two words, his lips burst into a grin so wide it felt like it might touch his ears. Even though he got his comfirmation letter a couple of weeks ago, he couldn't help but wonder that maybe it was a mistake. That maybe there was some other Izuku Midoriya that got in that was suppost to be addressed to, as unlikely as that sounded. However, this confirmation proved one thing.

This is where he belonged.

Passing through the gates, he found himself passing by various students though he found himself lost in thought. Old habits die hard and here, he was seeing new quirks everywhere. Some obvious and other's not so obvious. He hadn't even realized he had pulled out his notebook and begin jotting down some note.

"Judging by first glance, that student might possess a hardening type quirk. Metal base? High probibility, what type of steel, unknown." He muttered rapidly to himself, continuing, "Based on appearence, this one seems like his quirk is --"

Without warning, he bump into something, tearing him out of his thoughts as he stumbled backwards.

Heart this
1 | Dec 21st 2023 17:28