Ethan Midnight (OC!)

NAME: Ethan Midnight
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
EYE COLOR: Jade Green
BUILD: Skinny with little muscles type body

OVERALL: Incredibly smart, but a major introvert. He cares deeply about the people around him, but can’t speak up long enough to admit it. Like his brother he’s cocky at times, but shy most of the time. Suffers from a bit of a stutter

MORALS: He creates in order to protect and better the world. He believes that there is good in every single person, just buried deep. If someone needs something, he’ll attempt to build it and shyly present it to said someone. He’s a shy kid with a big mind, and an even bigger heart.

LIKES: Building new tools, using his inventions to help others, being complimented, being noticed, Cats, and a nice warm bowl of Pho.

DISLIKES: Being yelled at, feeling useless, making others feel bad, public speaking, his stutter, and pickled beats

Ethan Midnight was born into an abusive household, and his life was threatened by his father almost every breathing second. But standing over him as a protective shield was his older brother, James Midnight. Even from a young age, Ethan had a knack for tinkering. He would take apart the T.V. Remote, toy cars, cellphones, even microwaves, just to see how they worked.
One day he took apart their living room T.V., just to see how it worked. But, he didn’t have time to put it back together before his father returned home. Seeing the T.V. Apart threw him into a rage, causing quite the beating. That day was the day James decided it was time for both of them to leave.

Over the next few years, Ethan worked on perfecting his inventions to help others. He had always felt defenseless, felt he always needed to rely on his olde brother. He wanted to change that, so he built his brother machines, tools, and doohickys to assist him in his jobs.

To this day he resides with his brother, working on his crafts in hopes to make the world a better place. And to ensure he could protect his brother when the time came…

(If anything needs to be adjusted or changed for the rp, just let me know! I’m more than willing to make a few adjustments to help fit him into any plot)
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1 | Dec 20th 2023 12:01