
~Basic Information~
First name: Vino
Middle name: De
Last name: Luca
Race: American/Mexican
Sex: Bi
Job/Title: School Delinquent
Position: Switch
Martial Status: Single
Blood type:+A
Persona: A paradoxical character who exudes an aura of rebellion while maintaining a gentle and empathetic nature. Despite his occasional run-ins with authority and mischievous behavior, Vino possesses a unique ability to connect with others. His rebellious streak often stems from a desire to challenge societal norms and fight against injustice, making him an intriguing blend of mischief and compassion.

Hair: Black and Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'3
Clothes: He has a penchant for breaking rules and pushing boundaries, all while maintaining a sense of style that is uniquely his own. His wardrobe reflected his nonconformist personality, with a collection of edgy yet comfortable clothing that perfectly encapsulated his free-spirited attitude. From ripped jeans paired with vintage band t-shirts to leather jackets adorned with patches and studs,

~Likes and Dislikes~
Likes: Sweets, games, cats.
Dislikes: Dogs, nagging, work.

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0 | Dec 3rd 2023 15:02