Lamis Madiyln

name: lamis madiyln
alias: none
gender/pronouns: male (he/they)
sexual orientation: gay (open about it)
species: (whatever the roleplay is based off)
age: 20
birthday: January 2nd
occupation: college student

height: around 5’8
build: he’s scrawny but not too scrawny to where it’s concerning
skin tone: #E9DBD5
hair: mid neck length, burgundy?
eyes: turquoise?
piercings: vertical labret, star earrings, 3 helix
identifying mark(s): the scar around his neck
personality: he’s quiet but not too quiet since he likes keeping to himself, but when he’s with a friend or two he’s pretty talkative and passionate about things he likes

motivation: becoming a artist in the future
worst quality: overthinking and his facial expressions
fears: insects
hobbies: traditional and digital drawing
talents: can draw something based off his memory (it’s really good)
skills: none in particular
position: bottom
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2 | Oct 15th 2023 14:57