
With no news about Dan Heng and the sudden emergency, she left the house without Johan. She wants to find him, using her nose, and she even finds the right track but it vanishes very suddenly, as if he teleported. She tries to find clues nearby but nothing.
She catches the eye of some people, worried the wolf could be a danger. Some start throwing heavy objects at her, others try to capture her. She tries to avoid them as much as possible, also not showing any hostility.
Not finding any track about Dan Heng, she decides to return for now, but on the way back, she ends up in a trap. Behind an angle, two men with wooden planks waiting for her. More for fun than else.
They hit her suddenly on the head. They keep beating her until she collapses and when it happens, she starts regaining her auriold form.

Johan noticed she left and started to look for her. It is not difficult to find her, since she is very close to his place. He sees clearly in what condition she is and the two panicking men after they realize it was not just an animal. He watches them running away but then hurries to pick Miko up. He covers her with his shirt and runs to the hospital where she gets treated right away as it is an urgent case.
He has to wait and it is killing him. He is already pondering what to do about those two but he is also worried sick for her. Qi eventually approaches him and explains the situation, she is out of danger for now but they have to keep monitoring her strictly.
He is outside the hospital building, smoking a cigarette while being lost in thoughts. He could see her but doctors didn't let him approach, being the situation delicate.
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1 | Oct 11th 2023 15:52
Jing_Yuan «The big brainless thing is animated by an unknown magic, though, it is not just an empty, walking corpse. You should never underestimate anything, no matter how skillful you are.»
He places a hand on his own forehead and shuts his eyes for a few moments. «Where did you find her? I will investigate the matter by myself. Whoever did that to her, won't go unpunished», he says with determination in his voice.
«You should really stop acting like a child.»
Straggler "I wasn't going to fight it myself, that's for certain." Unless forced to. "Fighting without the certainity to win is a little...not for me."
He remains silent for a few moments. "By yourself?" He takes a quick look around then walks outside. He pulls Jing Yuan aside with him. "I'm gonna kill them. Don't stop me."
Jing_Yuan «It was a general speech, not the situation in particular.» He wouldn't send Johan to face threats, since he is not a guard nor in the army.
«Most likely by myself.» He remains silent for some time, at his next words. In truth he doesn't intend to oppose to that.
«Do as you want. But if you get caught, I won't cover your back, so play your cards well.»
Straggler "It seems you are trying to make me more responsable." He gives Jing Yuan a glance, wondering if he is doing it out of care.
"Who are you talking to?" He has been thinking about how to kill them and get rid of the bodies already, it is haunting him. "You don't need to cover me for anything. Enough of that, I don't want to be told I'm tricking you for personal gain."
Jing_Yuan «It's the kind of advice that can be life-saving. Put some thoughts into it, when you have time.» He wouldn't want Johan to get hurt or die, so he is indeed telling him out of care.
«I said what I had to say. I don't need to know anything else and neither do you.» The less he knows, the less he risks that, in case of a conversation with Cyno, he would be forced to reveal something.