• G R A Y S O N

"There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you"

| F U L L N A M E| Grayson Everett
| N I C K N A M E / S| | Gray
| A G E | Late 20s - Early 30s
| N A T I O N A L I T Y| American
| G E N D E R | Male
| S E X U A L I T Y | Gay
| O C C U P A T I O N | Theatre Actor
| P A R E N T S | Jane & Dean Everett

| B A C K G R O U N D |

Growing up, Grayson's father was very strict and harsh on him. His father had particular views and beliefs, and he tried to impose those on his wife and son. Any behaviour that Grayson displayed was analysed by his father, and if he wasn't meeting his impossible standards, he would hear about it.

Grayson succeeded academically, but he had always been creative, and interested in music and the arts. When he chose drama as one of his subjects, his father demanded he choose something else, something more "manly", but he refused. He loved performing and would star in every single production put on by his school. His mother would always be in the audience watching, his father would stay at home.

During his teenage years, Grayson mustered up the courage to come out to his parents and tell them he was gay. His mother was accepting and kind, but the same could not be said for his father. While the man never laid a finger on his son, he would use his words to attack him, telling him how much of a disappointment he was and regularly calling him disgusting. Eventually, Grayson couldn't take any more abuse and moved in with a friend to escape his father. The two haven't spoken since.

After graduating from Drama School, Grayson would work part-time while he auditioned for various productions, starting off small as just a stand-in or part of the ensemble. Over time he would land bigger roles, creating a reputable name for himself in the theatre industry.


• He is submissive in the bedroom
• His mother is still in touch with him, but he has cut all contact with his father
• When he's not performing he has a side hustle as a bartender
• Despite being confident on stage, he can be quite shy

• P E R S O N A L I T Y

• Grayson is enthusiastic and supportive
• He has a passion for performing and hopes to make it big one day
• He is not judgemental in any way and loves making new friends
• Romance makes him nervous, due to a past abusive relationship

B A D H A B I T S ✘

•Talking too much, getting carried away
• Being too naive about others' intentions
• Doubting his talent, constantly

•L I K E S

• Musical movies
• A positive influence
• A guy who can be both dominant and caring
• Constructive criticism

• D I S L I K E S

• Heights
• First dates
• People who show no emotion
• Bigotry

• S O U N D T R A C K

• Harry Styles - As It Was
• Vampire Weekend - Campus
• Taylor Swift - Enchanted
• Matt Maltese - As The World Caves In
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0 | Sep 17th 2023 09:18