Ana-Marie Cullen (Twilight)

Name: Ana-Marie Cullen
- Lady Ana-Marie Winslow (Birthname)
- Dutchess Ana-Marie Woodworth (Married Name)
Age: 722 (Body of a 22 year old)
Birthday: May 10th, 1300
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Nationality: British American
Species: Vampire
Blood Type: N/A
Sex: XX
Gender: Cis. Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Straight

About Her
Personality: Introverted
- Member of the Volturi (Formally)
- Nurse (Formally)
- High School English Teacher (Currently)
- Reading
- Hunting
- Drawing
- Writing
- Poetry
- Discussing her life before Vampirism
- Vampire Stereotypes
- Airplanes
- Her Volturi Days
- Humans Suffering
Hobbies: Writing
Fears: Losing Her Humanity
Strength: Her compassion
Weakness: Containing her Strength
Talents: "Siren Song" Power

Height: 5'5
Cup Size: 32B
Skin Tone: Fair/Pale
Eye Color: Golden Brown
Hair Description:
- Color: Brunette
- Highlights: None
- Length: Down to her chest
- Type: Thin
- Style: Wavy
- Scars: None
- Piercings: None
- Tattoos: None
- Scent: Flowers

Father: John Winslow (Deceased)
Mother: Alice Winslow (Deceased)
Siblings: None
-Daniel Woodworth (Ex-Husband, Deceased)
- Andrew Woodworth (Son, Deceased)
- Annie Woodworth (Daughter, Deceased)
- Reneseme Cullen (Niece by proxy)
Best Friends: Bella Swan, Rosalie Hale, Alice Cullen, Jasper Hale, Edward Cullen, Emmet Cullen
Friends: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen
Love Interest: Depends on Roleplay
Enemies: None

Extra Information
Quotes: "I was present at the funerals of my parents, husband, and children before I accepted Aro's invitation to join the Volturi; I had no one else to watch over."
Theme Song: A Thousand Years - Christina Perry
Food: N/A
Drink: Animal Blood
Color: Crimson Red
Animal: Artic Fox
Flower: Red Rose
Season: Autumn


Aro turned Ana-Marie into a vampire after being found close to death on the road in 1322 AD England. He soon learned of her power and tried to convince her to join the Volturi, and she agreed to participate once she ensured her loved ones lived happy lives.

When her daughter, Annie, passed away in the late 1300s, she joined Aro and the Volturi and stayed loyal to him until she met Carlisle. She was intrigued by his vegetarian lifestyle, and after two decades of observing him, he asked her to be his companion. Initially, She hesitated but decided to leave the Volturi and quickly adapted to the "vegetarian" lifestyle.

She was there and helped Carlisle build their coven. From being a nurse at Edward's side when he was close to death, watching Esme and him fall in love, sewing clothes for Rosalie, and making fun of Emmet's cause of death, she was there for it all. When Alice and Jasper found them, she was quick to accept them.

Then, they settled down in Forks, Washington. She never felt more alone than when Edward brought Bella home, as now she was the only person in the Cullen family without a mate.
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