Jedi story

Graham wakes up, looking around slightly before getting up and walking over to the light switch, turning it on, the room wasn't very big, the bed was very simple, attached to the wall and just being a small mattress, pillow, and blanket. Beside it was a small table, attached to the wall, on it, was his cloak and Lightsaber. He walks over to it and puts on his cloak, grabbing his lightsaber and clipping it to his belt, he smiles and walks to the door, it opening automatically, him walking out into the hall, which were filled with clone trooper’s, walking around, some not wearing their helmets, there faces and heads all the same, however, each one had different tattoos and hair, making them all unique. Graham being slightly shorter than the clones, some of clones say hello or salute, to which, Graham would respond in kind and do the same, Graham walking through a bigger door, walking onto the bridge of a ship, standing at the end of the walkway, was a figure with their back turned and another clone trooper, who looks at Graham as he walks down the walkway “ah, evening Graham” the clone says, “Good evening Ink, good evening master” Graham walks between them, looking up at his master, whose face was just a blur “Evening Padawan” he says “I look forward to your training later” “and I as well” the three turn back and look out into space “where are we going today Master?” “Be patient young one, the council at the moment is spread across the galaxy, by this time tomorrow, the war will be over” ink takes out a holo disc “excuse me commanders” ink says, walking away to answer it “do you feel that Graham? The peace that is on the horizon” “indeed I do master” “good, I look forward to…to…” his master stumbles, holding his head, Graham going to help him before stumbling and holding his head as well, his head spinning, feeling something being off in the universe, the light of the force starting to vanish, like it’s being extinguished, being replaced by a dark, looming presence “m-master? What’s happening?” Graham asks, looking at his master, who had recovered, looking to Ink, who staring at a hologram, Ink reaches down and grabs his pistol, putting the hologram away “I-Ink?” Before Ink can respond, he lifts up his blaster, aiming at Graham, before firing.

His master takes out his lightsaber and ignites it, blocking it and sending it back at Ink, who gets hit in the chest and stumbles back, falling to the ground “M-Master!? Why would he do that!?” “The clones they…we must go, to the hanger, we can escape through there” “but why?! Why are we running?!” “The clones they…have betrayed us, we must go, take out your lightsaber…don’t…don’t trust the clones” his master walks to the door, Graham looking to his master before looking down and unclipping his lightsaber, staring at it, before looking up, now no longer being in the bridge, now being in the hanger.

He ignites his lightsaber and blocks a couple of incoming shots from clones, the clones getting hit and falling to the ground, the doors they fell out of slammed shut, locking more clones out, Graham turning around, his Master standing by 2 Jedi star fighters, Graham running over and turning off his lightsaber “The star fighters are ready, we will separate here, we will meet up my Padawan” “Are you sure this is the best course of action?” “It is the only action, you feel it, the Jedi have fallen, along with it the republic, something dark has taken its place” his Master was right, he did feel it, this odd sensation, a knot in his stomach, something had changed “your right, I look forward to seeing you again Master” they both walk to there independent, quickly hopping in and shutting the lid, Graham lifts up his ship and hovering out to the runway, his master following. However, clones, quickly come from another hanger, firing at the ships, there shots doing nothing, Graham quickly heads out the top of the ship.

As he flies away from the ship, the canons on the top of the ship spin, aiming at Graham and his master, firing at them, Graham and his Master spinning and turning rapidly to avoid the onslaught of fire, Graham flipping switches, the display creating a map, turning to face his Masters ship, which was now smoking “wait, no! No no no no!” As Grahams engines charge up, right about to fire, a canon shot fires from the ship, hitting the other ship and blowing it apart, Grahams engines fire, sending him into hyperspace. “NO-“

Graham quickly sits up out of bed, woken up from his nightmare, his arm stretching out to the other side of the room, his lightsaber flying to him, he flicks it on as soon as he grasps it, the light from it, illuminating the room and him, he was now older by only a few years, his clothes now faded with wear, his armor he used to wear was thrown into the corner, his cloak, dropped on the floor.

Graham sighs, turning his lightsaber off and turning the light on from across the room with the force, setting his lightsaber down and getting out of bed, heading to the door, it opening automatically out into the hallway, another door opposite his, he walks down the hallway and into this circular room with a ladder leading up. He heads around the ladder and into the cockpit, the view out into this dark charred planet, glowing with this orange vibrancy. Hovering around in the cockpit, was a small, kid like droid with claws under it, it’s shell being brown, with accents of silver, it’s ‘eye’ glowing green. Graham sits down in one of the seats, in the one beside him was an astromech, it’s head was this blue, it’s body being black, with accents of gray. The astromech beeps and whistles “I know…I don’t want to be here either but I…feel like I should be here…I hope it’ll have answers…” more beeping from the astromech “what? No, cuts I’m not doing that” the other droid beeps “exactly, stalkers right” they keep flying towards the planet, entering the atmosphere, the ship shaking as it enters, getting closer and closer to the surface, the planet surface being nothing but rock and flowing lava, the clouds being very black and dense, there being the occasional factory style building, either in ruin, or nonfunctional.

“Well this is…noooot…uh…what’s the word-“ stalker beeps “right, optimal…sounds a tad to robotic, but I guess it works” as they continue flying, they come to this tall, dark castle, being right on a cliff, lava flowing around it and down like a waterfall, Graham shudders and gets up “that’s its…I know it is…find us somewhere to land cuts” Cuts beeps, Graham heading back to his room, Stalker following and waiting by the door. Graham puts his cloak and armor on, picking up his lightsaber and clipping it to his belt. He heads back to the hallway, Stalker climbing onto his shoulder and perching onto it. Graham heading the other way to the back of the ship, climbing down a ladder into the loading bay, the ship shaking lightly and engines shutting off. Graham presses a button on the wall and the ramp lowers down to the rocky surface, walking down to it and looking up at the towering structure, staring before walking forward heading towards the entrance.

He walks into the large main chamber, being a large chamber, with a walkway between ends and a large circular platform, below, being nothing but lava, with a large window area with no glass, looking out at the planet. Stalker letting out a weak scared beep “I know buddy…but I must figure out why I was led here…” “cause your an idiot” a female says behind him, Graham spinning around and taking out his lightsaber, igniting it quickly. Standing behind him was a woman, with long red hair covering half her face, wearing knee high boots and a double slit dress, black armour attached to her body, with a belt going around her waist, a lightsabers attached to it. “You!” Graham says “yes, me, see, when I was called here for a meeting, I didn’t know you would be stopping by as well Graham” she starts walking forward “w-what are you talking about?! What is this place?!” “Shouldn’t matter, I’m going to kill you just the same, then I’ll get some recognition when he finally arrives” she takes her lightsaber off of her belt “who?! Who is coming here?!” “You’ll see soon enough” she ignited her red lightsaber, spinning and bringing her lightsaber down, Graham bringing his up and blocking, pushing his lightsaber forward off hers, making her stumble away, bringing them around to slice at him again, Graham twisting his arms so the point was angled down, blocking again before extending his arm and pushing her away with the force, she stops herself and starts circling, Graham rotating to watch her, Stalker still holding tightly onto him.

She keeps circling “why do you continue to do this, the age of the Jedi is over Graham, stop being a coward and expect that” “At least I still believe in the Jedi, unlike you, falling to the dark side to survive, sounds like your the true coward Aurra” Aurra brings her lightsaber up and down at him , Graham blocking it and kicking her in the gut off him, she recovers quickly and slashes at him, Graham stepping out of the way and slashing back, she blocks quickly and spins his blade around, flinging it off and making him stumble, spinning around quickly to face her, blocking another strike. Stalker getting thrown off and clattering to the ground, beeping loudly before flipping itself over. Aurra pushing him with this force back, making him stumble towards the edge, he recovers quickly and looks at her. Aurra standing there, boot pressing down on Stalker, him beeping and whistling wildly, Graham looking at Stalker then up at her “don’t you dare…” “or what, you, are still a Padawan, you’ve only survived this long because you keep running from me, and now, there’s nowhere to run” she presses down harder, his case cracking “get off him!” “No, now, why don’t you-“ “I SAID OFF!!!” He pushes her off him with the force hard, tossing her off the edge, Graham pulling stalker towards him and grabbing him, running for the entrance.

Graham run inside the ship, jumping up and over the railing, heading to the cockpit “CUTS!!! GET US OUT OF HERE!!!” He runs into the cockpit, Cuts beeping wildly “I DON'T CARE!!! GET US OUT OF-“ Aurra slams down onto the glass, making Graham yell in surprise and Cuts beeping wildly, she spins quickly in a circle, cutting the glass with her lightsaber and dropping inside, quickly raising her lightsaber and cutting through Cuts and the chair, the parts dropping to the ground, the edges glowing orange from the heat. “NO!!!” She raises her lightsaber slashing at him, Graham quickly raises his lightsaber blocking it, he pushes it off and stumbles away, quickly backing away. She continues walking towards him and trying to slash him, he blocks, backing away, cutting into the walls of the ship, she pushes him back with the force, he flies back, hitting the railing and flipping over it, falling to the ground, his lightsaber sliding away and turning itself off, Stalkers bouncing and letting out a weak beep, Graham groaning, looking up and growing pale, rolling out of the way as Aurra drops down to where he was, her lightsaber plunging through the ship where his body was, slicing it up to get it unstuck. Graham using the force to grab his lightsaber, attempting to pull Stalker to him, however, Aurra grabbing it him of the air. “No! No no no no!” She quickly crushes him in her hand “NO!!!” He turns on his lightsaber and raises it before his head, before he can strike, she tosses a box into him, him getting hit in the chest, getting thrown out of the ship and tumbling into the rock and ash, cutting his arm and giving him a big, dark gash, in his arm, Graham quickly getting up and stumbling, holding his arm as it started to bleed down his arm, still gripping his lightsaber.

Aurra walks down the ramp, quickly running forward and slashing, Graham barely blocking, stumbling from the impact, she quickly slashes again, Graham stumbling back more, his lightsaber getting hit out of his weak hand, not getting a chance to recover, as she spins her lightsaber around, slashing up and him, he goes wide eyed, and in instinct raises his hands to block, the blade, not stopping.

Graham groans, holding his stump, his severed arm sitting nearby, his arm, cut off from above his elbow, part of his chest was cut into, half his face, burned, his eye clenched tight from the pain, he looks at his stump and looks up at Aurra, who was towering above him, lightsaber at her side, he tries pushing away, she rolls her eyes and takes a couple steps forward and pressing down onto his chest, raising her lightsaber to his face “see? Weak, tch, I can’t believe it took me this long to catch you, you truly are smuggler scum” Graham stares up at her “get…off me…” “no, you and I are going to wait here for him, and he will deal with you” Graham glares, the anger inside him starting to rise. He stretches his arm to the side and pulls his lightsaber to him, and before she can react he hits her lightsaber away from his face, kicking her ankle, making her stumble off, he jumps up quickly, holding his lightsaber tightly, the blood flowing down his arm, and onto his lightsaber.

“You, you have done nothing but hunt me down, relentlessly, you, gave up on the Jedi, falling to this, and now, you come here, kill my droids, the only family I have known since order 66, chop me up…” his blood starts seeping in through the gaps into his lightsaber, dripping onto the kyber-crystal inside, Grahams anger rising, replacing his fear “…no, you may have been someone I know in the past, but you, are no longer that…I hate you! You have become what we swore to destroy! And you will pay for what you have done! Here! And across the galaxy!” The kyber-crystal starts changing color, taking on the red from his blood, bonding with his anger and hatred, becoming corrupt, The blade of his lightsaber starts changing to match the crystals new color. He lunged forward quickly, clashing against Aurra’s lightsaber, pushing her back,he slides out the way and goes for her head, she blocks quickly, stumbling from Graham new found determination, his lightsaber still changing to take on the red. Graham steps out of the way, Aurra losing her balance and stumbling forward, Graham spinning and slicing down at her back, cutting deep into it, she stumbles and falls, her lightsaber clattering away, she flips herself over, staring up at him, Graham staring back with his new found hatred in his eyes, his eyes changing to burn yellow and orange to reflect this. He steps towards her “Graham w-wait-“ he brings his lightsaber up, going to finish her off, before being stopped mid strike by someone with the force, his lightsaber finished with its change, now glowing red.

Graham feels a dark presence behind him, looking over at the entrance of the castle, standing there a figure in black, there breathing coming through there helmet, “L-Lord Vader! I-I-“ Aurra starts to say “silence” Vader said, staring at Graham. The 2 just stood there staring at each other, not moving an inch, Grahams lightsaber still ignited. The figure finally spoke, “you have let your anger control you, have you not?” “…I have…” Graham said, with no emotion, just staring “you have lost yourself, to the darkness” “…are you going to kill me” silence fell between them, going back to just staring, Aurra staying silent.

Graham awoke inside a bacta-tank, floating inside its fluid with an oxygen mask on attached to it, he breathed deeply before climbing out of it through the top, grabbing a towel and drying himself off well walking down the stairs to the floor, he tosses the towel aside, plugging in a robotic arm into a socket where his stub was. He puts on his clothes then armour, grabbing a face plate and attaching it to his face, the eye portion attaching itself into a plug that replaced his eye, it extends itself around his face and locks into place. He attaches a new lightsaber to his belt, looking into a mirror, the robotic eye glowing bright yellow to match his other eye, he stares at himself silently before walking out into the hallways, stormtroopers walking through them, saluting as he walks by, walking onto the bridge, looking the same as the old bridge. An officer stood beside Aurra talking to them at the end of the bridge before looking at Graham “ah, commander I have good news, your venator has been brought out of the scrap yard as per your request as you can tell, and all surviving members of legion 57 has been transferred to your personal fleet” Graham waves him off, staring out the window “yes commander” the officer leaves, leaving Graham and Aurra alone to stare out the window “so, you have become an inquisitor now Graham, heh, what a hypocrite you have become” “that isn’t my name” his faceplate changed his voice and made it deeper “right, fine, 12th brother, there” “that is correct 11th sister” Aurra fell silent, the 2 staring out the window “…Graham I-“ “do I need to report you to the Grand Inquisitor, Sister?” “…no brother” they kept staring out the window, the 2 now working together to hunt down what remained of the Jedi.

May the force be with you, always
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0 | Jun 19th 2023 00:39