
The night before their landing on the new planet something off happens, they all have a nightmare about the sea abyss. The nightmare is vivid and the only similar thing in everyone is that they all woke up at the moment of their death in the nightmare...

He found himself in the middle of the ocean, not knowing how to swim he finished to go down and starting to drown he could see only black and his lungs started to hurt badly. A moment before to die he saw the lights of a city deep in the water but before he could see any detail he woke up. It took some seconds before he returned to breathe normally as if he was really drowning.

His nightmare was a little different, he was on the planet and he was swimming under the surface. With his shock he could breathe underwater.
He was swimming peacefully when someone, that seemed exactly as his twin blocked his road. The only difference was that the eyes were white and seemed without any emotion. The twin started to attack him with the idea of killing him but Tartaglia found out to be unable to fight underwater and finished to be killed, in the moment when the sword trespassed his earth he woke up.

The planet is open to outlanders and that is why on the surface the inhabitants of the planet created platforms where outlanders can take anything they need to visit the undersea. At the moment the platform is a little messy because of the strange climatic changes going on because of the stellaron.
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1 | Jun 17th 2023 17:25
Woopino «I didn't join, the girls told us to go with them and here we are now…» he says in a low tone.
«I would like to hang out with you again, noona…» He doesn't feel reassured at all by the things Blade says. He is already quite hesitant with people he doesn't know, his creepy talking makes it all worse.

Skylar. «And I call all adults "dicks", dick.»
He rolls his eyes. «If they do not even have appropriate food for my baby here…» He has already decided not to proceed with the Stellaron Hunters, anyway.
He had lost Childe for a while, but eventually they meet again. «I followed you. Did you find the market? I need to shop for my baby.»
Alpha_ "Probably fish, no? I'm not sure what would those plants taste like." She is not charmed, her favorite is raw meat in the end. And bread of course.
"Let's go then, WooPil. We'll have Blade buying us something nice." Quickly taking profit. Wench.
"Maybe next planet will have something appropriate." She gives Skylar a glance.
Karm Blade.
°Then why the girls decided to join? And why you followed them?
I suppose but we cannot take anything as guaranteed before we see the market.
I am getting hungry so we will certainly buy food.
I don't get easily offended I am sorry.°

°I just thought this could be the right road but I was wrong, the road ends so we should return to the others.°
Woopino «I don't really want anything…» He doesn't even trust his most trusted people to spend money for him, let alone Blade.
«Because there were monsters attacking everywhere and they said they were going to save us…»

Skylar. «You return to them if you want.» He goes to his own path.
Alpha_ "Try to not serve us poisoned food as well, if you are into that kind of things too, Bladie." She jokes.
"Are you sure you aren't hungry? You didn't have anything so far. Don't hesitate, it is probably dirty money anyway, not something he earned with hard work."