He returns to the palace before it gets dark, as usual. He hopes nobody noticed that he went out alone — he doesn't know there are Jiwon's foxes following him around.
While he heads back to his residence, he notices there is a little fuss among the servants. He sees many of them hurrying around, clearly something out of ordinary happened.

He ends up overhearing something from a guard, saying to another that two servants were poisoned.
WooPil's heart skips a beat. His mind goes immediately to the two servants who were talking ill of him, even if he has no certainty it could really be them. But case wants that they are indeed the ones who were poisoned. Not a deadly poison, they are both alive, but they both feel terribly sick and are receiving medical treatment.

He can't help but feel worried. What if it's really those two and he ends up a suspect because they talked that way about him? That's the kind of absurd ideas that torment his mind pretty much all the time.
He speeds up to his residence and leans against the door after closing it, also taking his head in hands.
He still has the yellow medication on his face and other parts of his body.
Heart this
1 | Jun 6th 2023 15:26
Woopino He really wants to make her happy with a delicious dish, so love definitely doesn't lack.
He starts to fry the base and then also adds the bacon. He would never be able to cook a vegan dish. When the oil is ready, he practically cooks the noodles right into the lard of the different meats, just adding a bit of water, and when it's cooked adds the egg. Like a dirtier versión of a carbonara. He places everything into a bowl, a very generous portion, adds chopsticks and hands it to her, a bit shyly.
«Jinjja?» He is relieved to know that Jiwon isn't straight either. «I never dated anyone, but it's like I always knew that I like other guys…»
Because she is not following the demigods' shenanigans. XD
«When I see something I would like here on the stands, I buy them sometimes… but I think the residence was pretty from the start, I don't want to change it too much.»
Oold She watches him doing, sipping a drink in the meantime. She hasn't always her eyes on him, but there is not much to watch. "The smell is good. Aren't you eating too?" She takes the chopsticks he hands her.
"It is good for you if things have always been clear to you. You are so young, maybe you should start looking around and explore, but carefully. Select, you don't just go with the first passing by.
You can make it fully yours, you can change anything. I'll give you the tools to do it." Not the literal tools :v
Woopino «I… will fetch something to eat too…!» He thinks he made a portion for one, even if it's probably enough to fill three normal people. XD
He goes to grab some bread, cheese and tomatoes for himself.
«I don't think there is anyone who likes me, though. If someone will want to date me… I'll think about it.» He looks a little thoughtful at the matter, but he also doubts there is the risk someone will want to be with him.
«I will look around, next time I go out… when someone can come with me…» He sighs. At least he is really pushing himself to spend some money to buy things he likes.
Oold She takes a piece of meat and eats it, then a noodle. She has to look dignified but soon enough she starts to eat normally, mouths full.
"They won't all come to tell you. Sometimes there are signs, sometimes not. You are shy, so are other people...but I hope you will be asked for more dates. In case you find someone you like, try to not hesitate.
Tell me if you don't find anyone avaliable, I'll tell Haitien." XD
Woopino He prepares himself a weird sandwich with the ingredients he took and starts to eat, shortly after her. He sends her some shy glances, to check if she is enjoying the dish. He is glad to see her eat like that.
«Oh… I will try to pay attention to the signs, then…» But he is shy as fuck and would need someone to take the initiative. He is definitely not like WonPil on that matter.
«Haitien…? I don't think he would ever want to date me… I also think he has a boyfriend…»