Micheal Frills

Micheal Frills

Age: 17-22 (Varies)

Appearance: Micheal is a tanned skin 5’11 male with an average build. He’s not too muscular but not skinny either, he has spiky black hair and very dark brown eyes.

Summary: A young, cocky but optimistic delinquent, dedicated to being a vigilante. Despite his brash appearance and vibe, he is very intuitive and analytical, and uses these skills in his detective work. Despite specializing in Melee combat Micheal can make the most of his environment in a combat situation and use multiple types of weapons.

Personality: Micheal acts cocky and egotistical yet inside he’s pretty caring and lonely. When he’s working an intense case his demeanour will completely change and he’ll become serious and determined.

Lore: At a young age Micheal’s mom would walk out on him and his dad taking his little sister Rose with her leaving Micheal alone with his dad. All was well until Micheal’s dad started drinking and gambling leaving him alone at the house alone a lot of the time. Micheal ended up growing up with his childhood friend Luna who had been his neighbour next door. His dad would get killed when Micheal was 10 by Lunas father who had been a gang leader unbeknownst to his daughter. Due to his father’s debt Micheal would work for the man, collecting money from people and often hurting people to do it. At the age of 13 he’d start doing his vigilante work under the radar by the time he was 15 he had run away with Luna and moved into an apartment by the high-school they attended together. Two years later Luna would be murdered leaving him with nothing but his optimistic attitude and dedication to protecting the innocent and hurting criminals.

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3 | May 30th 2023 02:13