Rhodochrosite/SU OC

Name: Sofia Rhodes (Real name: Rhodochrosite or Rhodes)

Age: 5000+

Height: 5,6 (Human form) 6,3 (gem form)

Gem: Rhodochrosite

Cut: Oval

Rhodes was born on homeworld, a bit later then the rest of her gems but still loyal nonetheless. They were expected to be fighters for homeworld once conquering new planets.
However most worlds were empty and so all rhodochrosites were kept in a stationary state except a few.

~Pink Diamonds colony~
Seeing how that lifeforms existed on earth quickly Rhodes and a few other gems of her kind were sent out.

~Crystal Gems~
However learning about the rebellion Rhodes felt swayed and decided to fight along shattering the remaining gems that were with her to escape.

Rhodes would not like the fighting however, and wishing she could just simply watch she gained a human form and name.

Now she went by Sofia and managed to avoid the diamonds blast by hiding deep in a cave with some other humans.

~Present Day~

Sofia hides as a human, every so often moving but otherwise at peace.
Learning of the peace with the diamonds she decided to move back to beach city to meet up with old friends.
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0 | May 28th 2023 17:31