
He takes his time in the bathroom the evening before, Leaf could have as well gone to sleep already by the time he returns. He is willing to share the only bed of course.
The morning after, he wakes up pretty early and starts to prepare his baggage to leave the room. He hopes they will find a place quickly enough, so that he won't have to pay for more inns.
After a bit, he pokes Leaf to wake him up too. He is very curious about his...hat and while he sleeps, he aims to see under it.
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1 | May 8th 2023 14:54
Whiteroar "It is no problem, I will call some friend too." Maybe he is friend even with Tobi, that would save them a lot of problems. XD
"We will focus on small parts, necessary ones first. Eventually we will need a working kitchen too."
He keeps working in the bathroom, actually solving the problem of water with a curse. He is making sure the necessary parts work.
He rushes there to see as he hears the scream. "What's going on?" He kinda expects something disgusting, maybe an insect.
Shin «And your friend will come to work here for free just to help you?»
Tobi would have rented them his bamboo villa in the garden and their life would have been much easier.
«A working kitchen… right now it would feel like an utopia to have one. Fireplaces are the priority if we want to keep at least a tiny bit warm.» He always feels cold.
Instead, it is a big, black cat that popped out from under the bed when he was cleaning. He is scared of cats. «Take it away!!!» He runs outside the room.
Whiteroar "Yes, that's what friends are about, no?" Why should he pay his friends, he is an asshole. XD
"Not a problem. You'll see, I will get it all nicely fixed in a few days."
He approaches the cat. "Oh hey, look at you...so this is your home? It is too bad we didn't notice you earlier." He aims to pick it up. "Are you afraid of cats?"
Shin «I don't know. My ex boyfriend's friends weren't the types who would help him for free.» Or who would.be polite to anyone.
«Are you going to flirt with it? Throw it out of the windows, they always fall on their paws!!!» He doesn't answer, but he doesn't really hide that he is scared of the cat.
Whiteroar "Could they really be called friends then?"
He can't help but be amused. "If we send it away, what will be of it? It is too cold outside." He likes pets.