Amiel Serafil (Fall and light angel hybrid)

Name: Amiel Serafil
Age: 18-21 ((depending on roleplay
Birthday: Sept. 29
Gender: female
Height: 4ft 8
Weight: 119
Race:Fallon and light angelic hybrid
Hair color: White
Eye color: Steel blue gray
Body type: Lean
Skin: pale
Extras: Hides her Black and white wings with enchantment magic
Amiel was raised in a church with light angels always treated like an outcast. Her father was a fallen angel that left the heavens. Leaving behind his daughter and lover. Amiel hasn’t seen her father in a long time, since her father left. Her mother try to raise her hiding the fact her daughter was a hybrid of a dark fallen angel with a light angel. It was forbidden in her culture to conceive such a being.
When Amiel got older and understand what was happening around her. She discovers there was a lot more in the world than the heavens. Amiel research what she could in the church about what was out there. Learning that there species that the church hid and hunted down. After a while of thinking she wanted to leave the heavens and continue to learn more about what she could do. Maybe forming relationship with people or creatures not like her and her kind. Being raised around angels that had a huge dislike towards everyone that wasn’t like them. People purposive angelic as high and might but they were just as strong as anyone else.
Amiel attitude towards people was a bit bitter but underneath she was kind heart. She was protective of her family. Her mind set towards being teased isn’t lightly. She became for defensive about her appear when she has her wings out. A lot of the angelic people where mean towards her calling her a demon even though she was only part fallen.
But now she sets out for a new adventure outside the church and discovering herself.
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1 | May 2nd 2023 14:33