Killion Parker

In December 1972 Parker sent a letter to the police confessing to the murder of over 100 victims (mostly prostitutes). In the letter he indicated that he stabbed and burned his victims and disposed of the bodies using barrels of hydrochloric acid. He left the remains in a local river. In his house, police and journalists found bloodstains on the walls and floor with the chain with which Parker said he had chained his victims and still photographs of his various victims in plastic bags. These items were labeled with handwritten papers. 2 barrels of acid with partially dissolved human parts were also left open for police to find with a note stating "the dead bodies in this house were deliberately left for the authorities to find". Parker was sentenced to death by hanging the same day. The judge recognized that if he had not turned himself in, he would probably never have been captured. Police officers compared barrels they found at Parker's home similar to Dahmer's "Extremely gore with the pure odor of death." In his house, a thick cover notebook was also found where he described of 158 victims exactly how he would have captured, killed and tortured 40 of them. To this day, the pages have not been released with the judge stating "There are really certain things that we do not release so as not to shock society" and the notebook was incinerated on January 2, 1973. Parker also confessed before dying "that it is not that cruel " and that he let multiple prostitutes live and that they didn't confess anything to the police because they feared the same. He was also considered homophobic and did not refer to police as police but as "faggots" saying that he did not kill but that he had already "hurt" and "traumatized" many homosexuals during his criminal career and not just prostitutes. Incredible as it seems Parker was a legend on the streets of Detroit as he stole money from prostitutes as soon as he killed them and helped the needy children of the community. 1 day after his execution, rapper Kool Moe Dee spoke out saying "The streets of Detroit have lost a legend and prostitutes don't work like they do in GTA. Some do ask to die." One of the reasons Parker was nicknamed a werewolf is because he only acted at night.
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