Princess (oc)

Name: Princess
Nickname/alias: Aisling
Age range: 18+
Hair: red, waist length, straight
Eyes: Brown (when visible)
Skin: pure white, or fair
Body type: inverted triangle, thin, 4'11"
Sexual Orientation: Queer/questioning, possibly demisexual/romantic

Based on the Creepypasta character of the same name and with the same origin, The Princess is described as a living/sentient idea. She was intended to be a princess character in a video game that was scrapped, but due to her creator's obsession over her, she eventually gained sentience and began traveling between different video games.

At first, it was very debatable whether or not she truly had a mind of her own. Her purpose seemed to be simply to take over whichever game she wished and attempt to redesign it into what her own game was meant to look like. However, as years passed, she grew in mental and emotional maturity and became less interested in attempting to restore her old game. Instead she grew genuinely curious of the worlds she was visiting and would begin to peacefully explore them.

Nowadays she attempts to escape her previously ghoulish reputation and do some soul searching, trying to find a purpose for herself among games that already have their own stories to tell and people to inhabit them.

Princess isn't particularly naive or childish, but she can be somewhat impulsive with decision making and seems naturally curious. There isn't much motivation behind whatever she decides to do with her life, aside from needing something to do at all. Granted she has a good hold on morals due to having been conceptualized as a benevolent character, but lacks much social experience and may not fully read the room when it's important, or comprehend certain topics and/or emotions until experiencing them herself.

She is very much a blank slate, having no real family or culture or society to come from. She feels a strong need to belong somewhere though, hence her previous attempts to hijack other games and recreate her own. She feels she has no true home.

Similar to the official Creepypasta, she can travel between and manipulate realities set in video games. Prior to evolving into a fully conscious and sentient being, she would essentially absorb the game worlds around her and cause the graphics and assets to disappear or become of worse quality, while her character model became of better quality. At her conception she was nothing more than a T posing character model without a face and hardly any polygons. In my current portrayal, she is perceived by others as being made of PS3 graphics.

Hence, she gains power by absorbing objects within game worlds, regardless of what they are. They better graphics and higher quality of what she takes, the more powerful she becomes. She can then manipulate the world and characters around her, but she can only create objects that were meant to exist in her own game (a specific castle, village houses, certain creatures, etc). However, her power is very much limited in a non-video game universe. She cannot manipulate the reality of a non-game world to the extent of a video game, being only able to cast illusions or plant certain suggestions in people's minds. However, it is possible for her to become strong enough to absorb non-game verses and manipulate them the same as video games. It could take several centuries though, most likely until after humanity is extinct.
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2 | Jan 8th 2023 23:03