(ok bare with me cause if you've not seen Steven Universe then this is hard to follow)
Sapphika is a Gem which are an extra-terrestrial species of "magical", roughly humanoid beings. Gems tend to appear human-like in appearance (some more so than others) and come in a wide array of colours, appearances, sizes, and structures based on their gemstone type. Sapphika is a Sapphire which are the only gems that can see into the the future with a 90% correct rate. Gems are characterized by the gemstone embedded somewhere on their body, which is analogous to a brain. However, the gem is the only true part of a Gem’s body, the only part that is unchanging and, indeed, the only part of a Gem that can be permanently damaged or killed. Gems' humanoid shapes are projections from their gemstone which can be changed at will, described as being "like a hologram, but with mass," with their only constant feature being their gemstone and color scheme (shapeshifting is generally not permanent, and Gems will return to their "default" form eventually, unless the shapeshifting was done during regeneration). As such, Gems cannot change the size or shape of their gem, which is the limiter of how small a given Gem can be.
Sapphika is a Gem which are an extra-terrestrial species of "magical", roughly humanoid beings. Gems tend to appear human-like in appearance (some more so than others) and come in a wide array of colours, appearances, sizes, and structures based on their gemstone type. Sapphika is a Sapphire which are the only gems that can see into the the future with a 90% correct rate. Gems are characterized by the gemstone embedded somewhere on their body, which is analogous to a brain. However, the gem is the only true part of a Gem’s body, the only part that is unchanging and, indeed, the only part of a Gem that can be permanently damaged or killed. Gems' humanoid shapes are projections from their gemstone which can be changed at will, described as being "like a hologram, but with mass," with their only constant feature being their gemstone and color scheme (shapeshifting is generally not permanent, and Gems will return to their "default" form eventually, unless the shapeshifting was done during regeneration). As such, Gems cannot change the size or shape of their gem, which is the limiter of how small a given Gem can be.
1 | Dec 15th 2022 22:53