Lady Alcina Dimitrescu

Prior to 1958, at the age of 44, Dimitrescu was lured by the cult leader, Mother Miranda, to a crypt beneath the village cemetery, where she was surgically implanted with a Cadou parasite. The purpose of this experiment was to determine her viability as a candidate who could become host to a parasitic intelligence at a later date. This experiment mutated Alcina's body considerably, granting her regenerative capabilities, retractable claw-like nails, and the ability to transform into a dragon-like monster and back again. However, the parasite halted her aging process, maintaining her appearance perpetually. In spite of these impressive biological changes, the resulting mutation did not nullify her blood disease. As a result, Dimitrescu needed a ready supply of fresh human blood to maintain her health.

Age: Died a human at 44
Height: 9'6"
Weight: 600 lbs

Superhuman durability
Superhuman strength
Regenerative abilities
Biological immortality
Retractable claws
Can turn into a massive mutant Dragon-like monster and back, in this form she also has flight, very sharp teeth and Insectoid manipulation
She can also call upon her daughters to aid her, Daniela, Bela and Cassandra

She needs to drink blood to stay alive so if she goes a long time with out it then she will be weaker
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2 | Dec 11th 2022 12:59