
He badly needed some rest, so he took a few hours to sleep. After getting up and leaving his house, he comes across Beryn.
"Doctor Huang. I need a private word with you." Without adding anything, he starts to walk and Qi has no choice but to follow. He feels extremely uneasy in his presence.
"What do you need to tell me?" Qi asks while they keep going. Suddenly Beryn teleports them in the middle of nowhere. "That's what you mean by private."
"For your ears only, doctor. I want to discuss with you the XinLan issue."
Qi freezes at his words. "You did have been spying on me?"
"He is Lianxi's problem, so he is also mine."
"He is not in his right mind...I have to understand if he can be saved."
"We need to capture him and lock him up somewhere safe...he can't endanger any more people." Beryn lowers his gaze then looks at Qi. "The House of Wolf."
"Do you know where it is?" Qi is surprised even just by the mention of it.
"I uncovered that one and another house. You just need to take XinLan."

Qi and Beryn take different paths. He needs to find a way to get to XinLan, to find him, but at the same time he is getting extremely bothered by Beryn, he is so mysterious and full of secrets. He troubles him.
He is walking in the streets to clear his mind.
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1 | Dec 3rd 2022 15:01
LaNii «I will definitely DNA test whoever I should get an interest towards, just in case.» He wouldn't feel ok even to like… go with the grandchild of a friend, for example.
«Some events scar a person's soul… even if he can't be free from them, he can still have a better and longer life regardless. I'm only shocked TiHao isn't around him. Don't tell me he has become a balanced old man like me, in the end.»
He approaches the computer too and raises a brow. «I have only seen something like this once before…»
Coconut "I understand why you want to do it, I would also feel bad ending up in conflict with the relative of a friend." Not that he has been interested in anyone lately, but with his new will to be in the world, maybe.
"They certainly do, thankfully he found someone like Chan. Maybe Gods sent him to him, that's what appa would say...
TiHao has been here but he left. Not long ago, Jamie is still here, helping me with medicines and antidotes.
No, no risk he would change. He is always the same, without WonPil making him a better person."
He looks at Lani then at the computer. "Do you know what it means? He is definitely knight, secondary is Death without a doubt, but the first is not something I have seen before."
LaNii «We are in a hellish situation from that point of view. Anyone could be anyone's child, or grandchild…»
He raises a brow. «Chan is his boyfriend? I swear that guy is born engaged.» He snorts.
«Hmph. He tried and failed? Or maybe he realised how wrong it would be to get involved in the life of a reborn person…» Or he is just waiting for Chan to screw up big enough.
«I just know that Haeri had the same element. But only TiHao and your father knew anything about her. They kept the matter in great secret.»
Coconut "Indeed. I would also prefer to avoid dangerously younger people, in general. At least over 30.
Who, Chan or WooPil? I honestly think Chan is better than TiHao in many ways, but they also went through much less...
I suggested him to try to help WooPil in the shadows, but he wasn't fine with it. He would have prefered more." He doesn't blame TiHao for it.
"Haeri? Does it mean...he is Qiu too? No, Haeri wasn't their blood daughter, TiHao only took her away from the Sect of Hori and adopted her. Can we compare their DNA to confirm?" He eyes the screen, having mixed feelings about the matter. Can he really dislike him if he is related to Haeri?
LaNii «Me too, of course. But I won't give myself a specific age limit. Some 30 year old are less mature than 26 year old ones.»
He shrugs. «The main problem between WonPil and TiHao is that they weren't fitting types for each others, as simple as that. They loved each others to death, but they weren't as compatible as they probably thought.»
He looks up. «I am not surprised. But at least he is leaving him alone.»
He nods. «Indeed. I will run a test to compare, it won't be long.» He does some clicking to run the test to confirm.if Beryn and Haeri are related.