May We Meet Again ❤ @chaseme

I am on this site since 2014 and I was introduced to the world of roleplay by a friend we don't talk anymore but that's not the point here. The point is that throughout all of these years I met amazing people and made some good friends but this site over the years has been decreasing in popularity and fewer people are coming here it was boring as f*** for a while but then I met...YOU!


You came into my life by accident or faith, I have to believe that was faith because we first met on discord and you were by the name of Bela Talbot, and we talked about a server that I was putting up together but you weren't much into it and then we stop talking. But for some reason, I found you again on my Blake's account and we became roleplay partners.

We have our ships that I cherish very much:

We start with Blae and Davina = Blina ❤

Then came the best ones: Blina was great but we found our chemistry as rp mates with:

Bonnie and Damon= Bamon! ❤

You and I always had the same opinion that Bamon should have been endgame and you were done with Damons on this site because they were all a**holes but my Damon was different according to you, I was faithful to the character and you loved that.

And then came Oliver and Bela Talbot that soon become Olibela, they married and they fought crime together, they were perfect for each other, Bamon is my favorite ship. Oliver Queen is my favorite character to play and I was happy to have someone that could love him like he is, and someone that can take all of his secrets and all of his scars. They were both in a relationship, Oliver was with Felicity and Bela was with Damon but they fell for each other, it was love at first sight!

They have been through hell and back to be together and they were happy, Bela is carrying Oliver's baby girl and he is gonna be a great daddy and Bela a great mommy. Oliver and Bela are perfect for each other *-*

We had a lot of ships but these three were the ones I loved the most.



All good things come to an end and you decided to retire from roleplay to live in real life, to love in real life I am so happy with that and I am happy that you're happy! It has been a good run, a hell of a ride...I will be here always for you because you are MY BEST FRIEND AND I TREASURE YOU! ❤

If one day you come back, I will be happy to write to you again and have all of our ships again. You told me that you won't come back but we never know the future, so I prefer to live this door open. But for now... Goodbye, YOU!

May we meet again, HOT STUFF! ❤

Heart this
2 | Oct 22nd 2022 16:25