Bella's Rules for Roleplay (Catchy, isn't it?)

Hello everyone! I'm making this post to avoid future confusion, and to keep things as easy as possible.
Here are some of my rules, if this applies to you, don't waste your time, I'm not your girl.

1) Please do not message me with one-liners. Ex: "Hi ur name is cute :0." Truly, I'm flattered but because of the amount of messages, I will likely not respond.

2) I will only engage in a story with writer's who can write multi-paragraph's, with concise, and well-written styles. Please do not even message me if your grammar is not up to par. (Harsh, I know.)

3) This one is especially important to me--I am always very flexible with response times. I have a life. You have a life. I'm respectful of your time, as long as you are as well. However, if I realize you are idle for days or more, without an explanation upon return, I will not continue with you as a partner. If we are involved in a roleplay, and you decide not to reply after a week plus, I will unadd you and tell you I can't continue. I do not like waiting weeks or more espically when I'm involved in a really good story :P.

4) Work with me. If you can not take feedback, or understand that we both have preferences and it's not one way or another--then I suggest you skip on me.

I think that covers everything, these four things are critical to me, so please do not attempt to change my mind, haha. These are set in stone.
Thank you for reading.
Heart this
10 | May 31st 2022 22:29
Ragripperagain Ha ha, cute tirle
SilentMystic Read through each rule and will respect all of them, especially the third and fourth rules. Thank you for the clarification.
Ragripperagain Hi again. I think there was a mix up of some kind, because I don’t remember having left you ha going. I would be more than happy if we could resume our plans