Andras (fantasy character)

Andras, son of the demon lord, heir to the throne
6'2, red skinned, muscular, black straight hair (gaston style), yellow glowing eyes, tribal tattoos
confident, charming, narcissistic, blood thirsty, perverted
enjoys fighting in arenas and battles, being worshipped as a god by his slaves and troops, earning a name for himself, and many secret dark pleasures...

(WARNING! this character is not for the faint of heart. this man is a pure villain and used as a powerful person, making him get what he wants. if dark things disturb you, or you prefer nicer characters, steer away)

No one truly knows the demons age, but knows a good time of when he was born. He lived as a hatchling during the old war, as he was only in toddler form when he and his sister watched their father get beheaded by rowan right in front of them. but as their royalty was snatched from them, andras got seperated from his sister and went to live amongst the humans in the mountains. he stayed as his human disguise for years, only showing himself to lovers when they could handle it. but once he was discovered by the village leader, he was exiled after the execution was a failure. From there, he had a burning hatred for how people viewed him, as he wanted to show people demons arent evil. once he rejoined his sister, they went back to the old castle, finding orcs squatting there and made them bend the knee. from there.... they searched for a human hero to enslave, to do their dirty work.
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4 | May 30th 2022 03:11