Bleed Joy


Bionvinia "Vini" Quartez

Ms. Happiness

Bionvinia is classified as a Uclide subject that is possibly insane due to previous descriptions given by those who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with the former Raider. She is known to be very unpredictable and aggressive against potential hostiles and carries around what looks like two chained Ice Picks with pointed spikes filled with surprises.

"Oh Please! I didn't do thatttt muchhh! Okay! Okay! I have broken a few strangers leg or twooo, but they deserved it! Those Scrap Donkies!"

- Former Raider
-Crazy of Emotion
-Blood Weapon Artist
- Hunts those who brought pain to her or her associates.

(More to follow).
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0 | May 20th 2022 06:07