Character Reference: Vyn Solan

Name: Vyn Solan
Age: 20~25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Pansexual


Hair Color: Blond with slightly pink tips
Eye Color: Pink
Clothing Style: Prefers girly dresses and blouses with skirts. She loves frills and often wears white or other pastel colors.
Extras: Mole under eye


Personality: Vyn is very collected and reasonable, but is very off in social interactions. She comes off often as rude and cold, but she actually is fairly sensitive and in tune with others feelings. She can most of the time reason through experiences, but can find herself in moments of emotion like anyone else. She’s quick to catch on to others and how they feel but not on how she feels herself.
Likes: Learning new things, magical creatures, and sweets
Dislikes: Nobles, the dark, and sour things
Background: Vyn grew up as a small noble’s daughter, but it was quickly found that she was very gifted in alchemy. She loved pursing new knowledge about it as well as creating potions and inventions never seen before. Vyn denied marriage of any sort and constantly fought her parents on getting a fiancé. However, as she was studying in her makeshift lab one day, royal guards took her away and put her in prison for the murder of an entire estate. She was innocent in this, however, had no way to prevent herself from being framed for such a horrible crime.

Talents: Alchemy
Hobbies: Alchemy, reading, embroidery, and writing


Alchemy Abilities: Vyn knew how to use alchemy-based magic from a young age, however it requires complicated magic circles to be able to do. She can also make potions and the like for many things, as well as create trinkets that she can animate using her alchemy.
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0 | May 11th 2022 22:56