Alma Ithil

Name: Alma Lthil
Age: 170 years old (17 looking in human year)
Birthday: December 21
Gender: female
Height: 5ft 5 (( 167cm)
Weight: 110lb ((7.8 stone))
Race: Half dark elf half light elf
Hair color: Dark brown with blue highlings
Eye color: violet purple when using magic they turn ember red
Body type: Lean
Skin: pale
Extras: Has two latern earings in her ears that light up
Alma was born from two of the elvish clans but her mother hid her away because the two clans believe they couldn't live in peace. Alma mom and father lived outside of a small human village in their own cottage away from the elvish clan because they didn't want them find out they had a daughter born from the light and the dark. Over time Alma learned from her mother about how to run a potion shop. When she grew of age she went on some adventures with some guild members. But after a while she didn't want be just a healer but help everyone out so she returned home find that bother her parents was murder from the elvish clans because of there sins but she was lucky they didn't find her. She burn her mom and her dad outside her home and gave them a funeral. She kepted there ashes in her home and stay close. She promise her mom she will continue to run the shop in there name. Who would wonder in her shop.
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2 | Apr 14th 2022 19:35