Drekavac Furiken

The Drekavac Furiken are the offsprings of the Interspeculars and humans. They have mostly a half and half of Human and Daemon DNA. The Interspecular being lost due to the more dominant Daemon DNA. The Furikens are associated with the color red. The Furikens are described as a private army used in last resort to the humans and the Naturians. The Furikens have the ability of power. Able to exceed their own infinitely. They are trained since birth to become prideful soldiers. When they are not seen fighting they are training and trying to become what’s known as “Furiken God” or he first and most powerful Furiken. A Drekavac with fire red hair and massive speed and power. They are strong against the Titans but weak to the Raiyunens. To find next. Go to Titans
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