
When Amelis and Oliver come back from meeting with TiHao, she goes to check on WonPil right away.
He is still in bed, under the blankets. He has no idea how he ended up there and didn't feel like to ask about it. His first worry was Lani's release and thankfully Johnny helped him with that.

It's clear to him, at this point, that what he had wasn't just a dream. But he still doesn't understand most of it, what was that place and who was the Huli Jing, or the voice that said he'd be sent home. And why did the voice think that Riddle's manor is his home? He can't understand, but he is glad not to have woken up in his own house, in Fengshii.
He doesn't want to come to conclusions that could just crush him, though, if proven wrong. Like that one of those could be his father, or the gods, to then find out that his weird powers just did some of their sh*t on their own, like it sometimes happens, especially while he sleeps.

He snaps out of his thoughts when he feels Amelis's light touch on his face. She moves a wisp of his hair, then gently takes his hand.
«Did you have a good rest?»
«Ye… I feel like I had slept for days…» And it's not entirely wrong. «Yet I still feel so exhausted…»
Amelis starts to caress his head with the other hand. «It will get better. You just need to eat and spend some time in the warmth. You'll feel good again, I promise…»
WonPil looks away for a moment.
«I want you to take that kind of thoughts away from your mind. Your life is invaluable and so is your presence. Your light deserves to shine as bright as everyone else's, you have no reason to force it to fade.»
«I wish I could feel that way… but if that would happen, it wouldn't last. I learnt. I think that it's better when nothing improves…»
Amelis hugs him. «We won't let you fall. We will hold onto you.»
«Mianhamnida, for being this way… I'm so hopeless», he can't help but start to cry, still in her warm hug. «Everything I do is pointless, all my efforts and dedications are nothing… I am nothing…» He hides his face against his elbow, soaking all the sleeve in his tears. «I don't even deserve to feel my own pain… and react to it…»
«It's not your fault! Your feelings aren't guilt. And they aren't worth less than those of other people. You aren't unwelcome in this world, WonPil… it's equally yours, as for everyone else. You will always be special in my heart… not only for the person you are, but also for what you are», she whispers the last part.

Oliver suddenly walks in the room, with a tray in hands. «I didn't mean to interrupt. I thought WonPil might feel like to drink something hot.»
Amelis finally releases the other from her hug and looks at her son. «You had a wonderful idea, my dear. Here, WonPil should really eat something sweet too.»
«I brought some cookies.» Oliver places the tray on the small table next to the bed. «Please, have some», he invites, in a kind tone.
«Gomapseumnida…» WonPil's voice still trembles from the crying; he wipes his tears with the sleeve and takes hold of the cup of hot, white chocolate. «I… really… mollayo how I got here. I didn't mean to self-invite… and abuse of your hospitality like this…»
Amelis smiles and actually lets out a snicker. She looks as if she knows something, but won't reveal. «Don't think about it. The important is that you are here and we are so happy!»
«Shiinden people will probably be angry… and my children… they will worry, I think I just… disappeared…» he sobs.
Oliver places a hand on his shoulder. «Nobody is going to bother you here. If they are angry, they can hit each others' heads until they calm down. Your children should have been warned that you are here. Just in case, I will send a text to WonZi about it.»
Amelis kisses WonPil's head, treating him as if he was her child too. «I will leave you my boys, it's time to start the preparations for dinner!» She clearly has bad intentions, since it's like 5 pm.
«Gomapseumnida…» he murmurs once again and bows his head while Amelis walks away. Then, he finally takes a sip of chocolate. «Mortimer is an historian, do i remember correctly?»
«He is. Historian, cartographer, geography expert, history and geography teacher, anthropologist, ancient languages expert, archaeologist… if it's connected to history, you name it, he is it.» Oliver snorts, sitting down by a chair near WonPil's bed.
«I really need to talk to him. Is it possible?»
«Sure. We can call him over any time, except during school hours. I'll ask him if he can join for dinner, so you two can talk.»
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1 | Apr 5th 2022 16:11