Why Nicolas Cage should play a DC Villain (Article

If there’s one essential ingredient to a great Batman movie, it’s not necessarily the Caped Crusader, but a great villain who makes all the difference. And Nicolas Cage, one of our most all-over-the-place actors, wants to carry on that tradition with a terrifying villain who is not just himself.

While promoting his latest movie, 'The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent,' Cage started talking about the latest flick in the franchise, saying he’s excited to see 'The Batman' and that he thinks Pattinson would be a terrific Dark Knight. And he has an idea about which villain he wants to play in a potential sequel.

Does the actor want to take a shot at being the newest Joker? Or perhaps he has his sights on another iconic member of the Rogues Gallery who has gotten mistreated in live action? Mr Freeze, perhaps, is due for another interpretation.

Well... no.

"The villain that Vincent Price played on the 1960s show, Egghead, I think. I want to have a go at Egghead. I think I can make him absolutely terrifying. And I have a concept for Egghead. So let them know over at Warner Bros., I’m down for Egghead” Cage said to the press.

Okay, so hey, Warner Bros, here is your official heads up: Nic Cage wants to play Egghead in The Batman 2. He asked us to let you know.

What's that? You don't know Egghead, the world's smartest criminal mastermind created for the 60s show and played by legendary horror actor Vincent Price?? Well here is everything you need to know about famed Batman nemesis, Egghead: 1) He has a big head and is bald, so he kinda looks like an egg. 2) He uses eggs as weapons. 3) He layers egg puns into every other sentence. 4) Nic Cage should absolutely play him.

Does Egghead fit into the dark Gotham that Matt Reeves has created for the Pattinson Bat films? Probably not even remotely. But Cage’s eccentricities aside, the man can act. Some people might disagree, but he’s a truly unique performer who has created many memorable roles. Check out 'Vampire's Kiss' if you want to see him play an absolutely insane character. And Cage is known to be an avid lover of comic books, despite whatever he was doing with Ghost Rider. Who knows how dark, messed up, and awesome Cage’s idea of “absolutely terrifying” is? We should at least find out, right?! I mean if we're gonna make a billion Batman movies, every now and then we should do one that makes absolutely no sense. Just to see!
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2 | Mar 19th 2022 21:46