HellGates (Apex)

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"Real nice watch ya got there,be a shame if you lost it"

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Name and Basics!

Code Name

Real name
▶Sofia Hellgates◀

Nick names
▶ Pick (Self explanation)◀

Age & Birthday
Out of battle wear
◀ Casual,dark clothes, oversized hoodies, leggings,sweatpants,black jeans▶

Age Appearance
▶Early Thirty's◀

▶Gaea ◀

▶ Mexican (mother's side)/unknown (father's side)◀

▶bags under eyes,small cuts on her left cheek◀

▶Brown,eyes look similar to a cats,they seem to glow in the dark when light is shined at them◀

▶Dark Red/dyed/mullet/tied back mostly◀

Body type
▶ Athletic◀



EXTRA: tattoos or piercings?

▶Yes,a tattoo of cats fangs on her left calf◀
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     "I do hope you don't taste
       as bad as you shoot"

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Overall Description
▶Sofia is very bubbly and outgoing,always wanting to be doing something or going somewhere◀

Hobbies and habits
▶Tending to stray cats◀
▶Tends to steal stuff even when she has the money/is at a friend's house◀

Pet peeves
▶Loud chewers◀

Likes and dis-likes

▶Likes /The sound of rain (it soothes her to sleep)
Others playing with her hair◀
▶Dislikes /The smell of lily's◀

Mental health/disabilities
▶Has super good hearing (Can come at a price, sometimes will need to cover her ears from explosions, shouting)◀

~Severe Trama~
(Will have flashbacks about her past if triggered by something/Orchids/Hummingbirds)

Fears and phobias
◀Losing her pack (Cats)▶

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     "When will I get my peace?"
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Favorite weapon in the ring
◀Any energy weapons/Specifically smg's▶

◀ Special quirk: Name- Backcat

 A pack of cats will come out of her backpack

-(All are mechanical/made from scrap metal)
-(about 15 will target an enemy she wants/they cannot be killed but will self destruct on 15s)
-(Enemies can't outrun them except if they have a quirk which will make them go faster ex:Loba,Wraith, pathfinder //If he uses his zipline)
-(Weakness: water will make them slower)
-(Sofia herself will be slower and completely stop in her tracks when the cats self destruct //2s)

Combat Wear
◀Extra:Sofia wears a large backpack which carries her 15 mechanical cats,along with that on the bag are cat toys▶







Weapon (long Range)

Hand to hand




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    "Let's go Dós!"

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◀Bioglocial- Kesp Hellgate
Relationship- Bad
Status- Dead/Electrocuted▶

◀Bioglocial- øøøøø Hellgates
Relationship- Never developed
Status- Unknown

Foster- James Hawkins
Status- Alive

◀At her birth Sofia's father was already gone,her mother told her anytime she asked he was busy at work. Yet Sofia quickly figured out he was never coming home.

At age seven Sofia grew a tendency to get,best way to put it, gruesome. Killing birds and small edible bugs and learning how to cook them.Sometimes she would gift the food to her pet cat. Sofia's mother was very neglectful only making money by selling drugs,then blowing that money on drugs again.

At age eight her mother found out she was eating such things and deemed her a and monsterus creature. Sofia was beaten so,"The monster would leave"

At age 10 Sofia was thrown out the house and forced to walk the busy streets.
Sofia however was quick to find a home,finding an abandoned factory and deciding to make it her home.

At age 11 Sofia had adopted a few cats and started to realize they could be her family.
She watched them learning how to hunt more effectively,how to be more sneaky,and most importantly how to steal.
Picking up the cats behavior it wasn't long until at age twelve she thought she was one of them.

Her pack had grown larger now more then fifty cats would come flocking to her when she would bring food for them,she also seemed to have picked up their eyesight and hearing.

At age fifteen however while she was feeding her family she hadn't noticed someone was watching. James Hawkins.
James Hawkins was the new owner of the plot of land the abandoned factory was laying on and upon finding out someone was living there he decided to try and help her.

James Hawkins brought her food, books,toys for the cats until she trusted him and even started to mimick him talking. 
At age sixteen he decided to ask her if he could adopt her,she agreed only if her family could join. 73 cat collars later and Sofia was given a new home along with her family.
She lived on in a large house but preferred to sleep outside in the fields with her family.

At age eighteen when Sofia finally got a grasp on being human she decided to pay her mother a visit,upon arriving she found her mother on her bed sleeping. Filled with rage for being abused for so long she decided to kill her,grabbing her mother's own car battery and hooking Kesp up to it the woman so out of it she just laughed mocking Sofia.
Sofia electrocuted the woman before burning down the house.

At age twenty Sofia met loba amazed by her pickpocketing skills she decided to stay with her for awhile,every so often joining her on pickpocketing rampages.

At age twenty five Sofia had to leave Loba once cops started looking for them,scared she would never see her again she gave Loba her lucky claw.

At age 33 Sofia had a stable job for a few years as a mechanic but decided to try out to be a legend. Her popularity growing to the top with some help of James Hawkins she finally got to meet loba for the first time in years.
Sofia sometimes will have hard times communicating,and will instead hiss.

Sofia had her canine fangs sharpend by professionals when they would get dull (While staying with James Hawkins)

James Hawkins never had kids of his own and considers Sofia his own child even going as far as to have a painter make a oil painting dedicated to her.
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1 | Feb 13th 2022 22:38