
He heads back to his lab in the Grand Temple and, without saying a word to anyone, he takes the sample of Momo's blood he had and proceeds with in-depth analysis.

He starts from the basics first: what is she. He determines the following results:

÷ 17% Kitsune;
÷ 23% Auriold;
÷ 50% Knight;
÷ 10% Avatar.

«The Kitsune DNA is from WonPil's side. Every Knight has a percentage of Auriold, naturally, and it's no surprise she is prevalently a Knight. But… only direct children of Avatars display any extent of Avatar DNA. And WonPil is definitely not one, meaning the other parent must necessarily be an Avatar.»

Done with that, it's time for blood rank.

π 100% Sacred Blood.

«Ming WeiLin's father was a Firstborn, making WonPil a third generation auriold, which classifies him as a Sacred Blood of ancient descent of extremely pure lineage. Direct legacy of a God. This could influence the result, the other parent may not necessarily be a Sacred Blood too, but it's a high possibility.»

At that point, he delves deeper into the genetics, to isolate the potential dynasties.

∆ 28% Ming;
∆ 2% unknown dominion;

«The Ming percentage is uncommonly high. It's justified by the fact there have been so few generations within the dynasty itself.»

∆ 70%… «This data can't be possible. It must be a mistake, but I can't actually make mistakes.» Frowns.«Not even if the other parent was a Firstborn, such a result could be logical. Unless… in case of close to none genetic diversification throughout the generations. Centuries of inbreeding… Oh Gods…» … Qiu.

Various minutes of absolute shock later… «That means that there are only two possibilities: MingHao and ShiHao. I have no way to get MingHao's blood for a comparison. ShiHao, on the other hand, is an homozygous twin, making TiHao's DNA identical.»

He proceeds to compare the baby's DNA with TiHao's, actually doubting it could be ShiHao's for real and assuming that MingHao, considering he is quite a decent man, would be a much more viable candidate.

«The result could still tell whether Momo is TiHao's niece and unless they have other secret brothers, that would mean it's, without a doubt, MingHao.»

It's the part that takes the longest and the final result leaves Lani pale, shocked and sick. «No… it can't be… it must not be…» Suddenly, the memory of that strange evening when Rin found WonPil crying, as a girl, in the House of Fox comes back to his mind.
«But ShiHao could have no way to get inside of Shiinden, let alone harm someone in here without anyone knowing…» He is giving for granted that, since ShiHao results to be the father, it must have been a rape.

He runs out of his lab and goes to check the register logs of Shiinden for the month of Zimkeshalhor, to see everyone who came in Shiinden in those days. Naturally, there is no track of ShiHao there. He can't enter Shiinden on his own and at that time, he wouldn't have been able to pass the blessing.

«It could still have happened outside. LanJi witnessed ShiHao acting worryingly around WonPil's apartment, after all.»
He shakes his head. «Impossible that WonPil wouldn't say anything. How could he hide it, it's something too heavy and he is too emotive, there is no way he could have hidden an abuse of that kind… could he really have, willingly, granted himself to that animal? To get children? Think, think…» His head is starting to hurt like hell.
«It wouldn't match ShiHao's mindset… if WonPil had done it, ShiHao would become even more obsessive and possessive towards him… unless… ShiHao doesn't even know what WonPil looks like, as a woman…»

He massages his forehead. «But… ShiHao is an Avatar? Could it be that we never found out? He tried to apply to the school not long ago!» He runs to the portal and instantly heads to Shiinden school to see if something about it was documented or who tested ShiHao.
He finds out that ShiHao has no element at all, therefore he is neither a Knight nor an Avatar.
«Still… their father could have been? Even if the percentage of Avatar DNA was quite high… inbreeding could have affected it. Maybe both her grandparents were Avatars or there is a whole history of Avatars in their family… unlikely.»

He shakes his head, walking out of Shiinden school. «Unless there is really a third, homozygous twin we knew nothing of, it can really only have been ShiHao. But it makes no sense. Science doesn't make pranks.»

He returns to Shiinden, still deep in his thoughts, and casually stops in front of the House of Scorpion. «There is only one way to know for sure what the heck happened.» And for as much as he would really rather not see how those babies were conceived, he goes to the Cauldron and asks it to show him exactly that.

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1 | Dec 25th 2021 18:12