1. First off, I have a LIFE! If I do not reply right away, I am not ignoring you. Just because it says I am online doesn't mean I am paying attention. DO NOT SPAM ME! After a few days like 5 send me something like "Hey you still interested?" Ten to 1 I got caught up in class and trying to reply to everyone.

2. I am very, very detailed when it comes to role playing, I expect the same. Not wanting a Novel but at least a good, detailed paragraph at least 3 sentences, minimum. I will respond as I feel fit. if you give me one liners I will reply with a one liner. Just be detailed.

3. I WILL NOT DO DRAMA!!!!! SAVE THE DAMN DRAMA FOR THE LLAMA. Now if you need someone to vent to, Fine but I will not be swept up in bullsh*t.

4. I do role-play all my characters as Bi-Sexual. That being said, when it comes to more....Adult genres and Themes. I lean more towards men. That being said. I do not just drop my Characters pants, when some girl bats her eyelashes or some guy makes him blush. It gotta develop.

5. Only a select few of my Characters are Multiverse, The others are single shipped. If you want to know who's taken and who;s not. Well check out the relationship post. That comes after this one.

6. I am blunt. My characters are blunt, I am sarcastic, So are my characters. If you get offended or triggered by something lemme know. Like I said I am blunt

7. HAVE FUN! Like Seriously Have Fun. Its a roleplay not Real Life

8. Also unless I tag Any Snippet I post is open to everyone, Even taken characters just because they are taken doesn't mean they can't have friends.

9. If we go an issue face me, don't go bitch about me behind my back and I swear too god if someone else tells me I suck at Roleplaying, Or My Characters are too Nice/Mean they will be blocked, Every one of my characters are well developed and have an extensive background for why they are the way they are, Its not include in their bios because who states their past, It's something you find out through the story.

10. I roleplay every Theme imaginable, That being said, Do not try and force my character into anything I am not comfortable doing, You will regret it. Forced Relationships is a no go, Now if you like my characters so much and you want to make an OC with a relationship to them such as Sibling, Best Friend, Ex, Son/Daughter, We can discuss that but otherwise do not just try anything.

11. If you read all of these please sign your name below, One of my ocs you like/love and a good song.
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5 | Dec 7th 2021 03:50