Cain Moon~

Full Name: Cain Moon
Date of Birth: February 1st
Place of Birth: Atlantic Sea
Gender: Male
Species: Mermaid
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac Sign:
Language: English
Sisters: Ozara

Height: 6'1
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Red short hair
Eyes: Grayish blue eyes
Tail: Scaly with a fiery red color
Personality: Stubborn, curious, adventurous, and determined.
Likes: Protecting, being nosey, and learning.
Dislikes: Crowds of humans.
Hobbies/interest: Exploring
Back Story: Cain found a small mermaid alone at a small age. He took her in as a little sister and taught her the ways of being a mermaid and helped her through obstacles through life. (For more look at Ozara)