Lily Alice Holden {+{ The With of Albion}+}

Full name: Lily Alice Holden
Nicknames: Lil, Ally
Gender: Female (She/her/hers)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: 20
Born in: Northumberland, England
Birthday: April 4th
Zodiac sign: Aries
Languages spoken: English and French
Occupation: Academic Researcher/Superhero (The Witch of Albion) Depending on the RP
Powers/Abilities: Inclined with ancient magic, the ability to control nature and speak with animals.

Height: 5'0
Body build: Slim
Hair colour: Sandy Blonde
Hair type: Soft, straight
Hairstyle: Nearly always left down.
Eye colour: Deep blue.
Glasses/Contacts: None
Scars: None
Prominent features: Button nose, slim figure. Perky chest.
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.

-Kind hearted
- Unsure of herself
- Sometimes Naive

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19 | Jun 25th 2021 04:30