Allie Night - Daughter of Chaos

Name: Allie Night

Age: 18

Height: 4' 10"

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demi sexual

Skill Sets:
Computer Coding 3/10
Kinbaku-bi 7/10

Build: Slim

Yearly heat Cycle: March - May (Strongest at April)

Personality: Reserved and soft spoken

Eyes: Purple

Hair color: Dark Silver

Being raised in a family that didn't seem to fit in any where they went broke down her self confidence over the years.. Her looks although cute just make her more lonely.. Boy wanted her for other reasons that just friendships and women often considered her a slut for her way she walked.. but it was just something to be expected

She had learned to take her head off of things like this over the years by learning to do things that you didn't need friends for.. like working at a library and more specifically hiking.. She could escape from everyone for quite a long time and know that she didn't have to worry about any coming for her unlike in the city.

Formal: None
A large tee and a pair of leggings
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0 | May 10th 2021 19:55