Luna Dusan

Full Name: Luna Dusan
Nickname: Lunatic, Freak, Weirdo
Gender: Female
Age: 17-21(Depending on the Roleplay)
Birthday: 08/22
Sexuality: Biromantic, Demisexual, Female Leaning
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130
Likes: Ghosts, Demonlogy, Wiccan, Urban Legends, Visiting Haunted Locations
Dislikes: School, Science, Her Bullies, Her deadbeat Father

Luna has bobbed pastel pink hair and dull green eyes. Standing at 5'4, she is on the shorter side which makes her an easy target for bullies.

Monster. Freak. Weirdo. Those are the names Luna is called during those miserable seven hours at school. Her ability to speak with spirits isn't met kindly but her classmates. She keeps to herself during school hours, often eating her lunch far away from everyone else.

Luna Dusan can see spirits. She can talk to them as well. She even has a few ghost friends.

There's 8 year old Ava, who passed away during a house fire. Luna views her as a little sister that she never had.

Then there's 17 year old Lukas, who over dosed on pain medicine. He's Luna's best friend since they are close in age.

And finally, there's 67 year old, Walter, who passed away from war time injuries. He's a better father figure than her birth farther ever was.
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1 | Apr 8th 2021 21:48