
Ketsueki means blood in japanese but that's her name and the reason behind it is because she's a vampire.. She's a dangerous vampire and would suck anyone's blood on site, she make look pretty and harmless but she can change forms, she trys to avoid showing her teeth since her fangs are long and sharp and it could give away that shes a vampire. She has pale white skin which makes her stand out speaking of standing out she has very good vision and her eyes glow red when she smells blood and she can see in the dark also, like night-vision per se also. She is a pretty shy girl so she doesn't like all the attention she get's she'd rather be home alone reading a book or watching Twlight. Many people have wondered what she was since they cant see her in the reflection of a mirror when she goes to the bathroom, so she avoids public bathrooms.. Her bites also hurt.. They hurt like hell and could even turn whoever she bites into a vampire or her slave, that's what her bites do, but some people are immune to it, she is immortal so she cant die and will live forever so she could have millions of slaves if she pleased. She often sleeps in her coffin and should NEVER be disturbed, that is a very dangerous thing to disturb a vampire. Blood also taste sweet to her and she can smell it from very far away. She also cant just enter anyones home.. The only way she can if the person invites her in, she can also shapeshift into a bat if she pleased and prefers the name Battie since it's pretty cute, you can also locate her in a cave because thats where she lives.. But it looks way better then you could imagine, so that's all about Ketsueki just be careful while your around her!
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12 | Mar 3rd 2021 14:33