WuXin's birthday.

Even if it's a complicated moment for their family, LaNi wouldn't miss to celebrate WuXin's birthday for anything in the world.
He thinks that WuXin wouldn't be up for a big party, in the current state of things, also since XinLan would probably not feel well if there was too much chaos in their home, so he decides to still make a little party, just the 5 of them.
In the previous days, he gave some money to Coco and Sharyn so that they could buy a gift for their appa and also brought XinLan out to choose a gift from him.

LaNi buys a lot of takeaway food of their favourite kinds, especially fried fish, plus sweets and a birthday cake. He didn't go cheap on this party, also since there isn't many people so the quantity of everything is more balanced for their finances.

The gift XinLan chooses for WuXin is: images.app.goo.gl/tf37YddD4DbfqVez8 (the yellow one). LaNi didn't want to condition his choice in any way and let him pick what he wanted to gift his appa, regardless it would be something in his style. LaNi is for heartfelt gifts, rather than stuff a person would buy by himself.
LaNi's gift, following that philosophy, is the gifts from the children, since they still come from him, after all.

Food: images.app.goo.gl/nshTYVAdEpdqLTkV8 Abundant fried fish;
images.app.goo.gl/AVusW9DqivPv576A9 Risotto with fish.
images.app.goo.gl/ryRSPseaQxtm3arK8 Fish soup.
images.app.goo.gl/Si3mvhYr3eNxVsqb6 Tons of shrimps.

Cake: images.app.goo.gl/5QepuZvejVJvdm8HA

And, of course, special birthday sex. :v
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1 | Feb 28th 2021 17:01
Dobermann He tends to celebrate a lot his birthday, never forgetting it, but this year it happened in a really bad moment and he didn't think they would make anything for it.
He finds the surprise very touching, even if he normally doesn't like surprises. The fact it is only private between his close family makes him more relaxed. "Gamsahamnida, my precious..." He says to all of them.
They eat together what they prepared. For once he'd say he likes it even if he doesn't, but it is not the case, since they are all his favorite foods.
Finishing to eat the meal, he starts to open the gifts they made. First, Sharyn's and Coco's. A new hanfu and quality fan. He makes a slight smile, thanking them again. He opens XinLan's gift next and wears it right away. "That's beautiful. Reminds me we should go to enjoy sea more often."
And after gifts, the cake. And after the cake, theor retirement to the bedroom :v