
And eventually, case brings him to WuXin. He isn't really in the mood to speak or open up, but he forgot his purse in their home, the other day, so he had to go to take it back, since all his documents are in it and he needs them at the border, to go to work in Heinmenhos, every day.

He knocks on the door. Outside it's raining quite a lot.
Heart this
1 | Jan 26th 2021 16:42
Memory "Aren't we?" But except from the being a perverted scum, he is pretty much all the other things...
"Arasseo, I get it, you don't collect umbrellas. They are too cheap." He takes a deep breath and ends up sneezing a few times.
He snorts at his words and just crosses his arms on the short table, leaning his head on them. "I get quite a few hours of spare time after work." And of course he is anxious that others will consider him a slacker because of it. Even though it's not really that he works less hours, he just starts very early in the morning.
Dobermann He looks at him specifically for some time. "I really hope we are not. I am hopeful Sharyn won't become that kind of man." If he only knew about all Sharyn's complexes, that it wasn't him to give, but still.
He extends his hand with a napkin as he sneezes. "I only want you to take care of yourself. Enough of reckless behaviour, we became parents. We need to give the right example too." Now he wouldn't be surprised to see Peachii under the rain without umbrella. XD
"I work only in the morning as IA, does it mean I need something else? Your second duty, I remind you, is to be a Knight. If you really have so long to spare, come to Shiinden and learn more about your powers." He has never thought of him that way. "I believe you worry too much about what others think. If you are interested in my opinion, you work many hours and have to be a parent for your traumatized daughter. We are not random, we are heroes."
Memory He is not so sure about himself, especially now that he is back into not wanting to be open about his own feelings.
He takes the napkin. "Gomapseumnida." He turns around to blow his nose. He is less wild than expected!!
"I don't do it on purpose..." But he won't ask what he would have done if LaNi had disappeared, because he has a feeling it would have been something smarter than what himself did. XD
WuXin will see WonPil covering Peach with an umbrella like he was her servant.
"I wasn't talking about you." He doubts that there is anyone judging every step WuXin does, unlike how he feels about himself. "Probably I could work even whole day and things wouldn't even change for me." As of the way people perceive him, he means.
"What can I do..." It's not his fault if he lived 22 years of his life that way. Some complexes might as well never go away.
Dobermann He was ready to turn his head not to assist but he is glad WonPil actually shows manners.
"Arayo, but don't I have a point? Be careful from now on. To give her the right example.
It doesn't matter who you were talking about." He crosses his arms at his words. "I'll show you how people will start to have a better opinion of you from now on." He still didn't warn them about the celebration the court is organizing for their heroes.
"Nothing. You don't have to do anything, accept my compliment and consider it more than any other who had the only purpose to make you feel down for random reasons."
Memory "I will try to be more considerate, ne... I don't want her to become just like me..." he murmurs. She is much less reckless than she might look, after the experience in the Unseelie Court. She learnt the hard way.
"People can even do that?" Have a positive opinion about him, he means. He is not used to it, in Xhuanghen.
"Arasseo, I will accept your compliment then. It's something rare that I should reassure." Even if it was in the middle of hours of scolding. XD