TiHao Vision of the Past.

After agreeing with Xion to go to Shiinden, he sends a text to WuXin, asking to bring them there. He wants to make a surprise to TiHao, not knowing that he is arriving late.

Once there, he asks where TiHao is and he is told that he was last seen in the House of Scorpion, thus that's where he goes, thinking to find his boyfriend there.
He walks inside and searches the place, but the others have already left, there is nobody.
He hears some noises though, that attravt him towards the cauldron and the hourglass. He curiously touches it and peeks inside, causing himself and who with him to end up in a vision, of the only person he has always in his mind: TiHao.
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2 | Dec 12th 2020 04:51
Memory "Am I not supposed to worry just as much? The commitment can only and always be his own?! Do not I care for him too?!"
He clenches his fists and looks down, deciding not to answer anything to the matter.
"Mollayo, i have never seen charr eating people but I've seen cannibals preparing to roast people's pieces." And that was enough for his whole lifetime.
He takes the dagger he hands him and looks at the monstrosity they need to fight against, not convinced at all by the weapon.
He uncovers his arm, looking at the spot where a golden looking clover tattoo is. Never before he even tried, but he finally decides it's time to try that bronze cloth. With the armour, his bow appears on him as well. He points it at the creature and shoots an arrow right away, striking it in the middle of the head.
Lordship "Yeah, of course...he is just as lucky. I didn't mean he wasn't..." He remains stunned by his reaction and lowers his gaze. He is sensitive too for Charr standards.
"How did you witness such a thing? It doesn't disturb me to see blood but it was probably bad, ugh. These little paws..." He looks at his own hands and moves them.
He is not convinced either, seen how big it is. He has nothing else, so he has to try.
He throws one of the daggers, stabbing the creature but it doesn't have much effect.
He remains stunned by the sudden appearance. The visions are indeed thought for Knights and their weapons, other than Avatars', are the only ones effective.
The creature gets defeated before the end and things start to return like before, with TiHao having a clearer mind.

All the sudden though, Commander Qiu grabs TiHao's hand with the dagger and stabs the maid through heart. TiHao is overwhelmed by pain, disgust and fear.
The vision ends and they return to Shiinden with a memory crystal.
Memory "it was nothing I wanted to witness... my halmeoni is wench and couldn't remember who my harabeoji was, so while waiting for the DNA test I was sent to meet all the potential men and that cannibal was one of those. He picked me up and brought me to that horrifying place..." He shivers once again.
He didn't have high expectations that his arrows would have more effect than Xion's dagger, so he gets really surprised to see that they worked.
When they are back, he shoots the old Qiu too, but there it doesn't work. He falls on his knees when the maid gets stabbed and remains in that position when they are teleported back to the House of Scorpion.
Lordship "Oh. I think my mom could have done something like that. I'm not so sure Snarl is my actual father but she says so. After that accident, she has been more careful.
How could your halmeoni even go with a cannibal...she didn't risk to be eaten?"
He is very surprised by how effective it turns out to be. He looks at WonPil at the end, still a bit stunned. "Good job! That was awesome!"
He sees what happens to the maid and lowers his gaze, approaching WonPil and patting his back. "We should... return to TiHao. Don't you think?"
Memory "Well, it's much better to just pretend that the person suspected to be your family is the real one, instead of investigating." In his case it was so. He would have preferred thinking his grandfather was Lord Lee.
"Mollayo, maybe she did it so that he wouldn't eat her? I think she is from a tribe too, though... I don't even want to know." He waves his hand.
He doesn't manage to be cheerful or proud about that fight, he is a bit overwhelmed by feelings.
He covers his face with arms and remains motionless like that for some time. "Ne. We should..." he murmurs in a low voice.