VOTP copy-pastes.

WonPil remains standing outside the classroom, right next to the door, for over an hour, until the school day comes to its end.
At that point, he is called back inside by the teacher and he goes to stand in a line with the other pupils, to receive their report cards.
/ I failed in every subject again. / Hopelessness to see even one positive mark. A bit of desperation too. / This time he is going to kill me, for real... /
One by one, the children gets called and the teacher hands the report paper. "Lee WonPil", she says, with her usual obnoxious tone.
He takes a step forward and waits with his arms behind back.
"Don't forget to bring it back with your father's signature, after the winter holidays. And if you don't do your homework, you may as well not bother to return."
/ If I do or not do them, it's all the same. / WonPil takes the report and puts it inside his backpack.
All the pupils bow to the teacher and they are finally allowed to leave the school.

Outside it's dark already and really cold, there is some ice around, but it's not snowing. There aren't street lamps and the pupils have to use a torch to light their path. There aren't parents to pick them up, they know the path back to the village and walk it on their own every day.
WonPil is walking all alone on the left side of the road, while all the other students are moving in a group on the right. As usual, the kids from his class are mocking him, whispering and giggling.
"I've heard that he eats a whole chicken all by himself!"
"I instead heard he eats a mountain of rice every day, that's why he is so fat!"
"Shh, lower your voice or he will hear you and come to beat you up! He is so mean..."
"True. And he stinks. Even my umma said it, so it's true!"

WonPil can hear them, and often attacks them when they speak that way, but right now he is not in the mood.
/ Eotteoke...? If I don't show him they will call him, if I show him he will kill me... / His thoughts get interrupted by a flash of light from behind, accompanied to the familiar noise of engines. He has barely the time to move from the road that a military vehicle rushes past the children, with little to no consideration, and then just disappears in the distance.

To the side of the road, there is a signal of forbidden access due to a mine field at a short distance.
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0 | Dec 8th 2020 17:44
Memory After about 20 minutes of walk, the children reach the centre of the village, where their mothers are waiting for them. The others run to their families and get all the hugs and cuddles.
WonPil looks at them with jealousy and rancour. / They are showing off just because they know I don't have an umma... /
All alone, he turns to a poor alley www.roleplay.me/photo/2967462 that leads outside the village and proceeds for another 15 minutes on a hearty road, till he arrives to his destination: a old and ugly house, small and poor. There is a faint light showing from the window, and smoke coming from the chimney. www.roleplay.me/photo/2967464
He approaches the door and stands in front of it for some time.
The witnesses can feel his sickness and unwillingness, but also his lack of option. He would have nowhere else to go in the world.
He opens the door and peeks inside, in the one room that includes entrance, kitchen and living room. His 'father', Cho Chul-Gang, sat by the table, studying some papers while drinking soju straight from the bottle. There are several empty bottles around him and he is wearing a tank top, looking stressed and drunk.www.roleplay.me/photo/2967750
The house is dirty, ruined, almost looking like an abandoned place that was hastily occupied by people with no right to be there and who might have to leave it behind any moment.
WonPil looks in the direction of the man whom, at the moment, is the only family he has. He knows he is not his father, not his real one, but in lack of options, he has to do. / Juseyo, don't notice me... eotteoke? Should I go to greet him or I should sneak away and hope he will ignore? Yesterday he hurt me for not greeting him, but the day before he punched me for disturbing him while he was working like that... /

* The house has only one side of fencing wall, ruined and broken. The garden continues all the way to a wood. The grass is unkept, wild.
* There is a car, old style, that is open and can be searched. www.roleplay.me/photo/2969563
* Items can be found in the grass.
Memory Gathered his courage, WonPil finally walks inside the house. He approaches Cho Chul-Gang, just enough to make his presence clear, in an attempt to avoid to be at his arm's reach, and bows. "Annyeonghassimnikka..." he mumbles in a low and scared tone. His voice sounds really cute and crystal clear.
The man doesn't even look at him, so he rushes away, sighing in relief only when he reaches the door of his room. There are just three door in a short corridor and he stops by the last one on the left. He takes his shoes off only there, but the floor inside the room is not more clean than in the rest of the house. He gets inside and closes the door at his back.
The room is small, dirty, like it hasn't been cleaned in years, and well... if doesn't even look like a child's bedroom.
There is almost nothing.
WonPil takes off his school uniform and picks up some clothes from the floor to wear. All of his clothes are old, dirty and ruined and it's true that he stinks. How would a 7 year old wash himself on his own, in a place where water has to be picked from a well and boiled?

Done with changing, he takes a rubbish sack out of the closet and sits under the window. He pulls out some items: a horse, the chess piece, a Q card, a spoon on which he drew a face and a sort of ghost made with a cloth. www.roleplay.me/photo/2967484 His toys.
He starts to play with them, keeping his voice down while doing so, having fun but not fully relaxing.

* Explore WonPil's room.
- Bed;
- Closet.
Memory Suddenly, from the other room, the noise of a smashed bottle causes WonPil to freeze. His heart starts beating like crazy and he crawls to a corner of the room, curling up there, with arms covering his head. / Don't come here, jebal, don't come here... / He thinks, terrified.
Not long after that, Cho Chul-Gang slams the door of the room open, walking inside. He is really drunk and the stench of alcohol spreads through the whole room, making WonPil feel even more sick, and so the witnesses.
"Don't you have something to show me?" growls the man. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?"
The child jumps so bad when the other shouts, slowly standing up to reach his backpack. He takes the report card and hesitates to hand it to him. / I'm dead, I'm so dead... /
Cho Chul-Gang roughly grabs the paper from the kid's little hands and reads it, not hiding his anger. It's clear he couldn't care less about WonPil's life and future, therefore he was just looking for an excuse to punish him. "You failed in EVERY subject?"
WonPil gasps. "It's not my fault! I don't manage t-..." He gets interrupted by a hit across his face, with the back of the hand, so hard that it makes him feel dizzy.
"DON'T INVENT EXCUSES WITH ME!" The man hits WonPil again, and again. "You piece of shit... you are only here to throw my money away! What do I even feed you for?! I'll wake that lazy ass of yours! I swear I'm going to get rid of you if you don't start to think!"
When done hitting, he grabs WonPil by hair and drags him out of the room, throwing him outside the house.

[That is one of the many events that gave WonPil the convintion that it's pointless to explain, and it's easier to just take the blame even when innocent.]

Outside it's snowing and the cold is insane.
WonPil tries to get to his senses a little after the violent beat up, wiping the blood coming out of his nose with the sleeve of his shirt.
After gathering some courage, and waiting some more time in hope the man would calm down, he approaches the door to get back inside, but it's locked. It panics him, he starts to knock and cry, screaming in terror. "ABEOJI... JEBAL... ABEOJI..." Outside it's scary, other than cold. They are in open countryside, there is plenty of terrifying sounds. "ABEOJI!! I'LL DO BETTER, JUSEYO..."
He keeps crying and begging at the door for a while, until the cold starts to get him; at that point, all he can do is to curl up on the ground, where he slowly falls asleep. That's not the kind of temperature a person could survive, let alone a child.

Not long after, when even that only faint light from the house disappears, something approaches WonPil from the shadows. It has the look of a fox, but the tails make it clear what it is, or who he is.
The fox approaches the child and, after making sure he is not conscious, takes the shape of a person. Although the man is naked, he doesn't seem particularly bothered by the cold. His whole skin is covered by scars and burnings, like he was branded with fire. The symbols, that even the scars resemble, are those of Shadowhunter runes, that are literally everywhere on him.
Nero places a hand on WonPil's back, looking really sad. He makes some moves, casting a barrier spell around him, to keep him warm and safe from potential wild animals around. It also prevents the slow from falling on him. / It's all I can do, for now... / Nero thinks. / I can't take you with me, it would be worse, much worse. Ne, there is something worse even that this... stay strong... I'll try to come back... / Nero also uses his warlock magic to heal WonPil's nose. / If you only were closer... /
After some time, Nero takes the fox shape again and runs away.
Memory In the early morning, Cho Chul-Gang comes out of the house. He is wearing an ordinary military uniform, as he is still under the 10 years of military service. He was rather young at the time, 27.
The man doesn't even glance at WonPil, who is still lied on the ground, alive only thanks to the barrier Nero protected him with. He simply walks to the car and leaves the house, just like that, with the child outside alone and unprotected, in a country that doesn't have the safest roads.

WonPil wakes up a couple of hours after Cho Chul-Gang left and right in that moment, the spells protecting him vanish, causing him to feel all the cold, as raw as it is, again.
He stands up and hesitantly looks at the spot where the car usually is, seeing that it's empty. He is half relieved. / Did he leave me outside...? / He approaches the door and tries to open, and thankfully it's not locked. He sighs and walks in.
He takes some time to warm up and only then realises that he is literally starving. He didn't even have dinner and what he ate for lunch the previous day could barely be called a meal.

WonPil takes the only chair and approaches it to the high furniture of the kitchen, then climbs in a rather dangerous way, to reach the food. There are only cans in the shelf, several, but nothing that looks tasty. They are the same as the empty ones found half buried in the garden.
The child takes one and remains in that dangerous position for some time, hesitating. / I am so hungry, I could have two... If he finds out he is going to kill me... but he left, he will never find out... or will he...? If I eat only one maybe I will not be fat anymore... but I'm so hungry... / After some moments of thinking, he finally takes a second can and climbs down, pulling the chair back to the table.
He grabs a one-use plastic spoon, the only clean things in the whole house, and opens one of the cans, devouring the content. After clearing the first, he opens the second, being in a hurry to finish and hide the proofs before someone could find out.

While he is eating the second can, his blood freeze as the noise of the car approaching becomes clear.
WonPil stands up and looks at the cans, trying to think what to do, fast, but only managing to panic.
Before he could come up with anything, Cho Chul-Gang steps inside, setting his gaze on him right away. "How much you ate?!" he growls through teeth and runs towards him.
WonPil tries to escape, but he gets grabbed and slammed with his back against the wall. The man lifts him up from the collar, keeping him pinned. "Do you think money comes from shit, stupid pig?" And shakes him roughly. "What did I do to deserve such a burden on my back?! DO YOU EVEN THINK?" Suddenly, the man takes a gun and points it against WonPil's head, so hard that the contact hurts him. "I should release myself from it right away. It'd be about time."
The child is paralysed by terror, he is so scared he literally pees himself, while crying desperately. "Mianhamnida, I won't do it again... mianhamnida... jebal, dowajuseyo", he sobs, almost struggling to breathe.
Cho Chul-Gang hit WonPil's head against the wall and then throws him on the floor.

The kid starts to crawl away, still crying and breathing heavily, until the man shoots on the ceiling. At that point, WonPil falls like dead, not moving anymore.
Chul-Gang points his gun at him again, looking totally intentioned to shoot, but after some time, he lowers the weapon. / I can't. That kid is the only thing I can use to force SooHyeon back and to give me what he owes me. /