Work work work.

After the battle, he had a lot of things to do, starting from explaining Ri and Mortian about his organization, who they are, who they work for and what they are supposed to do. He decided not to say any more lies, but he also wants to make it clear they are not following any orders except from Shii's.
It takes time to explain and somehow team up with the rulers. Priests get involved too during explainations.
Done that, he returns to look for Thomas and Scarlet, new knights he found but he can't find them at the beginning. Eventually finds out Scarlet is with her family and they are not letting anyone approach and Thomas is in Xhuanghen.
He really wants to go to see WonPil and TiHao's baby, he likes children so much, but work comes first. He finishes to settle back in Shiinden, makes sure everything is alright in each house and then invites all the old knights in, they are free to return, following the same rules.
He then decides to go to recruit Thomas, as he finds out where he is. He writes him and invites him to meet in a public place. There they also meet your characters/or will meet someone back in Shiinden too.
Together they head to Shiinden and he points them the houses where they belong. For the first time, someone having access to Kijhatev's House too.

Thomas starts to explore the place, others are free to do the same. WuXin remains in the library and studies books in there.
Thom feels as if he was in an amusement park and wanders everywhere, quite excited. He suddenly finds a particular cauldron and starts to take a look.
Heart this
2 | Dec 5th 2020 13:42
LaNii Any, it's a totally invented family, there is total freedom.
"The Shinobi Grandmaster? I met him and i can't help but have some doubts about his authority. They say he is old like the world, you know."
He blinks at Deidara's words. "He was a fully grown 4 years old Avatar of probably immense powers coming from a Primeval God." Tsk, trying to make Hoseok look less like a prodigy kid!!
"They could be connected to the gods, in my opinion they are ancient creatures that were on the world before the creation of auriold. Maybe they were among the Dask who shaped the world."
He shakes his head. "I'm not sure. Maybe it has to do with what we have witnessed, that strange change he had, compared to what we know. Maybe he suffers from dissociative identity disorder..."
He nods. "There is. And I think something really bad happened to Hoseok, to cause that condition to him."

After that, the whole vision starts to dissolve and they simply find themselves back into the room they were into before.
LIES °You are a shinobi? Probably you don't know how he can fight if you doubt about him.° it would be funny if he criticized sacred blood and he is a sacred blood too xD.
°Well he got some advantages but I will get more knowledge too.
They are really old shits... Mummy shits. But they have to know a lot of things.°
He looks around as the vision starts to fade, °This is the end? What was the purpose of that thing?° he sighs, he is happy to be back. Just in case he makes explode one of his models and it is effective. Obviously not against them.
Dream "It is a sensed explaination. I'd like to know more." Open for all kinds of knowledge.
"You speak with a lot of logic." Good to speak with someone like LaNi, for him. "I don't know if it is that issue. He seems aware of it and both sides seem to have similar abilities." He remains thoughtful about what to do next. He would need to think like Hoseok would but it is hard. He is still overall lost.

When they leave the vision, WuXin is there by the hourglass to monitor the situation. "It took you long. Do you want to share what did you witness?" He looks at them, clueless they saw something far from cheerful.
LaNii "It could be said that I am a Shinobi and that I indeed don't know how the Grandmaster fights. I was never trained by him, either."
Irony for the win!
"Why do you assume they are shits? This one seemed quite decent considering how insolent and cruel Hoseok was."
When they are out of the vision, he is left thoughtful and kind of upset.
"I don't know what to say, did is the closest medical condition I am aware of. But this might mean the reason he left could be connected to it, somehow."
He looks at WuXin as he asks. "We witnessed, apparently, a memory of Hoseok... he seems to be under a strange and worrying condition..."
LIES °You see, you don't know even if you are a shinobi.
Because old ones are annoying they say what you cannot do the most. I don't like limits. I wasn't talking about that thing in particular.
And do you know that Hoseok? The only worrying thing is that he is a prince. Seriously this can not be good°