
Name: Bahamut

Nickname: Baha

Age: As old as time. Practically ageless

Gender: Male

Role: God of Dragons

Sexuality: No Binds

Size: 180 feet (draconic) 6, 1 human)

Personality: Bahamut is a kind and understanding man who doesn’t like to cause unnecessary drama or stress to people. He always tries his best to keep everyone happy and to avoid conflict, even though he can handle himself in a fight. He’s very compassionate, strong, sometimes bullheaded, stoic and passionate. As well as intelligent but it comes with the years of study

Bio: Bahamut was born from the God Lo who created all. When he created all Bahamut and his twin sister Tiamat were born from the void, they were given the roles of Good and Evil to keep the world in balance, and to give the world Morality and Ethics. Bahamuts birth gave the world Life, Charity, Kindness, Selflessness and Sacrifice, things which correlated with concepts such as Death, Thievery, Hate, Selfishness and Recklessness. The presence he made eventually gave birth to many lower gods which rules over things such as fire, elements, space, time, nature ect.

Goals: To keep the balance and help the world without breaking the rules of bias.

Abilities/Powers: Bahamut can preform many magical abilities. he can shapeshift, heal, reverse ailment, terraform human anatomy, call upon other gods and most magics

Weaknesses : Evil Imbuing, fire, palindromes

Likes: Justice, proving his intelligence, kindness, mercy and wisdom

Dislikes: Almost nothing.

Direct Family: Lo (Father) Tiamat (Twin Sister) Arlashradon (Brother)

Nieces/Nephews : Fear (Nephew) Prometheuos (Nephew) Iconis (Nephew) Pheimos (Nephew) Ember (Niece) And much more.

Children : Helen (Daughter) Evangeline (Daughter) Nora (Daughter) Prometheos (Son) Soris (Son) And much more
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3 | Nov 22nd 2020 16:03