
In the end, he decides to go to meet Hoseok on his own, that same night, in Seoul.
He doesn't give him a clear place where to meet, basically the other has to find him.

He waits on one of the tallest buildings of Seoul and Hoseok doesn't take long to find him, despite he tried to make his hints hard. Everyone knows about LaNi's obsession with heights.

Hoseok flies on top of the building, trying to not make a worrying appearance. He knows that LaNi might be scared, he thinks that it must be the reason of all that mysterious behaviour.
LaNi is standing right at the ledge of the building, as if he was about to jump any moment.
Hoseok simply sits down by the ledge, looking down at the abyss below, full of colorful lights like a starry sky.
LaNi sits down too, not saying anything and looking quite nervous.

"It's safe to come back, for you", suddenly says Hoseok. "Abamama and I have always been by your side. We won't let anything happen to you and QinShi."
"Only to us two?"
The other leans his hands back on the ground. "The situation is strange, at home."
"Did something happen...?" LaNi almost has a brink of hope.
"Quite a mess. Jeonha is on abdication trial. And since he won't do it willingly, there has to be voting. But before the council can vote, the Generals have to come to a majority, which doesn't seem to be close to happen."
"Who is on favour of the abdication?"
"General Feng and Yung. It was him to start it all, with the trial. The thing is, before all this mess occurred, the whole court was split on what to do with you guys."
LaNi looks away in the distance, but stays quite on guard and edgy. "What were the options?"
"Jeonha wanted to consider you all as traitors and punish you harshly. But halbamama was totally against it. General Zhendong and Tang sided with Jeonha, General Feng and Yung with halbamama. Now that the situation is stale, the thing is: if Jeonha abdicates, Zhendong and Tang will never have a chance to keep their roles, since they have even opposed halbamama. He would have no reason to keep them, when he renews the Generals. On the other side, if the abdication is rejected, Yung and Feng will lose their positions for sure, due to opposing Jeonha. It will be a while before they will come to an agreement."
"And if they never come to an agreement?"
"Mollayo what would happen then. We will have to wait and see." Hoseok sighs and looks at Laniy, eventually taking his hand, not in a romantic way, he is just overfriendly and the type who likes contact. "I don't want to go back there..."
LaNi looks at him, surprised. "You don't think I'm going to take you where we all are, right?"
"I guess you won't. But we all know where you are, already. If I wanted to drag you back, I could try to do it from here, it would be much easier than over there, ani?"
"But in there, what do you think would happen if someone realised who you are?"
"Maybe the North would finally have something to use to get Xhuanghen's attention, in that case. Wasn't it what you all wanted from the start, the war to end?"
LaNi looks down. "It's the only thing we wanted..."
"It's what I've always wanted to. I have my reason for it, I hate it more than anyone else in this world." Hoseok clenches his fist, while still holding LaNi's hand with his other.
"There is no chance it will end, though, isn't it? Not until Jeonha will leave the throne."
"It's so. I'm sure that even halbamama will be Emperor, many things will change in better. We are all tired of him, LaNi... we want him to abdicate."

They remain to talk there for quite a while and in the end, LaNi let's Hoseok come to Heinmenhos with him, deciding to trust him and also to give TiHao the occasion to speak to him, if he has anything to ask.
Heart this
1 | Nov 13th 2020 05:16
Slyflake "Useless, no. I don't think culture and knowledge are useless, ever." He moves his gaze on him as he turns creepy and feels awkward but eventually makes a slight smile.
"Yes, yes...I know. I really think the entire thing has a point can they not love animals.
I thought he was relaxed. Maybe he hides it well from me. We don't really spend that long together.
He has some serious worries. Do you know how come?"
Boo_ "Indeed, everything has it's meaning and use. Even those people, I was wrong to call them useless. They can fertilise the ground well." As he grew up more, these creepy statements just started coming out so naturally.
"They love meat more? Animals also don't like some people sometimes, what can we do?" He shrugs.
"I don't know if he ever shows anything of his real thoughts, except when he breakdown. As his friend, I'm seriously concerned." He is only accidentally making LaNi look nuts.
"Because someone put those high expectations on him, probably."
Slyflake He lets out a chuckle at his words. "They really can! Even better than us, probably.
Choosing their life over a meal..." He mutters, quite stubborn about it. It Is a luck he found a vegetarian boyfriend or he could have been his nightmare.
"You have met him long ago? There is even his boyfriend here, he would have no reasons to keep everything inside and hide...I think...
Who, though? He looks so confident. Like he can handle anything alone..."
Boo_ "Better than me for sure." He doubts his own remains would do good to the ground, but at least his blood isn't lava.
"If most animals could, they'd make us their meal without too many thoughts. Some people see themselves as predators, perhaps. In any case, how many of those farm animals would have any longer lives out in the nature? In theory, auriold could give them a more humane end than many other creatures." He doesn't necessarily speak of average animals but uglier things.
"Months ago, on Earth. His boyfriend I have yet to meet, though."
He shrugs. "His parents I guess."
Slyflake "Depends on which. I'm not saying wolves should rather eat grass than deers. I just hate how they do what they do with farm animals. is so horrible. They would eat even small cubs not long after they are born...I...adopted three piglets that were supposed to become ham. They are so dear to me I could not even consider hurting them..." He lowers his gaze.
"I see. Too high expectations have those effects. I'm glad my parents aren't so strict."