Hyeoksang Sung

he's an old character ;;
it works for now though

Sung Hyeok-Sang
male; he/him
150 pounds; 10.7 stones
5 foot 10 inches; 177 centimeters
natural hair color
dark brown
eye color

biological mother; Manouk Yuehai
biological father; Sung Hyeon-Jun
grandmother; Namgung Min-Kyung

current relationship

uhhhh, sex?

being shorter :(

playing piano

mental illnesses
post-traumatic stress disorder
place of birth
current residence

short description -

Hyeoksang feels as if his past is rather generic. Almost cliche, as most ‘father abuses son’ stories are.

Hyeoksang was born as an only child into a wealthy, but modest, household. His father brought in all the money, while his mother had a small gourmet cupcake business, her main job staying home and taking care of their son. Hyeoksang was given everything he ever wanted, due to his father’s income, though it only lasted until he was eight. His father was fired and sued for committing fraud, his name ruined, and they had lost everything and had to move into a small, low-class house. His wife decided to remain faithful to him, putting more effort into the cupcake business, as that was their only source of money as his father could not find a job that would hire him. He fell into a depression, which brought back his old addiction to heroin, seeming to kill him and rebirth an entirely different man. This was where the abuse began, and Hyeoksang was only nine.

It started with arguments between his parents. Arguments, and then pushing, and then everything escalating so quickly that before Hyeoksang even knew it, he was no longer living with a family. He was living with an obedient slave, not daring to speak up against the stranger she married, not even when its anger was boiling over the rim and directed towards her own son. Though, his mother’s silence was just a mask, covering the fact she no longer had faithfulness towards her husband, and had gotten pregnant by another man. After confessing this, she had left, leaving all of her personal belongings and possessions behind… including her son. Hyeoksang had never felt more hatred, but understandment, for a person in his entire life.

Accordingly, his father blamed him for his mother’s departure. She found another man with another house, having another son.
“You weren’t good enough.”
“You were selfish towards your own mother, boy.”
“She left me because of you. She left to have a better son.”
“It’s all your fault.”

The abuse only got worse from there. Marks and bruises weren’t directed towards places that were visible, so Hyeoksang only received help when he was brave enough to ask for it. He had developed a special bond with a teacher he had, the only teacher that seemed to have patience towards any irrational behavior he’d sometimes present, and eventually confessed it to her. He was detained from the household at age fourteen, his father arrested.

Hyeoksang was sent to live with his grandmother from his father’s side. She did everything in her power to make sure Hyeoksang felt safe and loved, which took a while to get used to. Naturally, it felt wrong to be shown affection, and he strongly rejected it. Though, as time passed, with the help of therapy and his grandmother’s relentless patience, he let people love him, and learned to love them in return. He found happiness in meditation, soccer and playing piano, and his academics reached a height he never saw possible. He was accepted into a proud college at age eighteen, and he definitely cried more than his grandmother when he had to leave her.

As things seemed great and optimistic, roughly, Hyeoksang had been addicted to his medication for ptsd for over a year, which lead to him abusing stronger medications and drugs. As he was beginning to get recognition and possible scouting from professional soccer teams, he failed a drug test, and it ruined every chance he had. He was kicked from the soccer team and the school, forcing him to move back with his grandmother, who was very disappointed in him. This sent him into a depression, and he began taking stronger drugs, not caring how they affected him as he didn’t have grades, or a body, to look after anymore. He let his thoughts roam back to his father, and his mother, and how they both f***ed him over, and for a period of time his life and mental state only went downhill.

Knowing that he was only causing his grandmother distress, Hyeoksang moved into an apartment with two other men who were also addicts, only diving deeper into the huge swimming pool of inescapable commitment. He was the slave, the drugs the owner, and every waking thought was the question of if, and how, he’d receive them that day.

Despite Hyeoksang’s habits and behaviours, he was still ultimately caring and sweet, and it managed to attract a girl towards him. Her name was Ja-Hye, and she saw past the drugs and into his heart, and knew he was more than how he was treating himself. He fell in love with her, and they became a couple, and all he ever wanted for her was the best. Though, he couldn’t stay away from his addiction for long, as he had also fallen victim to heroin. While Hyeoksang was high, they had an argument, to where he ended up hitting her, leading to a busted lip. The next day was horrendous, as he fully blamed himself, and guilt coursed through his veins stronger than any drug he had taken. He sobbed and begged for her forgiveness, in promise he’d never do it again, and she forgave him. She loved him enough to stay with him for another five months, after the beating and begging for forgiveness continued, in hope she could save him. It eventually became too much for her to bare, and she left, not telling anyone and not reporting him to the authorities.


He hadn’t seen his father in years, and yet he was afraid of the mirror, as he was the only thing he could see staring back from the reflection.

theme song
fc: hyeoksang on instagram

Heart this
0 | Jun 1st 2020 23:46