Yelena Zaharov - OC 3

Name: Yelena Zaharov
Nationality: Russian
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Height: 5'7"
Body Build: Athletic
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel

Distinguishing Physical Features: None.

Military/Law Enforcement/
Intelligence Experience: None

Life is nothing but a series of events that seem to divide existence into two halves: before and after. For Yelena Zaharov, before embodied a life of wealth and privilege. The first born to a powerful Russian Oligarch, she wanted for nothing. She and her younger brother Nicholai lived a life of love, innocence, and childish wonder. Had she only known that world would come crashing down around her in bullets and flame. Her father’s political influence had brought many threats to their door over the years, most powerless and idle. The night of the attack had been full of losses. Her father and mother, gone. Nicholai, gone. That childish innocence, gone. Her life saved but not without cost. After, however, had found the young Russian girl in a world of uncertainty and pain. The girl that Yelena had been was gone, like her family, and had to be forgotten. She could never return to her home. No one must ever know that she had survived. These were all things that Red Shadow, the secret government-funded operation responsible for saving her, had convinced her to be true. Forced into military training under the false pretense of it being for her safety and protection, Yelena was a quick study with a knack for information and technology. Under the instruction of a young soldier named Pavel, this knack was quickly turned weapon (after all, when you learned from the best, you became the best). Over the next eight years, she worked as an asset for Red Shadow, completing missions that required a more sensitive and quiet execution. Neither black or white, nor good or bad, Yelena hated the woman she had become. Out of the desperation for a fresh start and to take herself off of Red Shadow’s radar, she faked her own death and escaped to the United States. Though in the end, she was exactly as they had groomed her to be: a perfect Russian doll; you opened one version of her only to find there was another version hidden within.
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0 | May 9th 2020 23:32