
Suddenly in the night they captured the savage General, some fuss occur in the camp.
Some fight noise and eventually people running around to warn the officers about an intruder who entered with force, but without killing anyone, just beaten them for good, and refuses to leave.
He can't not make some noise when he arrives somewhere. He is not for a quiet entry.

He finds TaMu almost right away, since for some reason only he knows, he wasn't inside the tent to sleep with the other soldiers but was outside in the freezing cold.
He remains close to his brother while he whispers the situation to him.
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1 | Mar 11th 2020 06:24
Aventurine "They can control the animals?" If they bring dogs I'm dead - he thinks. But he also thinks he will die from narcolepsy and for being dangerously ill. He doesn't give himself high hopes.
He looks down as he mentions the promise. "I don't think I can make such promise, Jeoha. Only that I will do my best to make it happen."

Tero. "You keep mentioning it so much you are making even me hungry." He doesn't go that far, this time he has never even eaten human meat to try to get immortal!
He takes some food from the tent and heads to her. Once inside, he looks at her with a smirk. "I was said to serve you the food." But instead of giving it to her, he starts to eat it himself.
Pantaficus "Ye. I couldn't tell what kind of instrument it was, a flute maybe. I have learnt a lot about them and how disgusting they are. They wouldn't dare to touch the hair of an animal, then eat auriold meat.
Thanks to you, I am confident, Commander Yi. It is the time we defeat these savages.
You wish we had meat to give you." They would have to go to hunt it.

Seiko was starting to fall asleep on the chair actually. When he comes, her eyes are shut but she opens them as she hears him. She studies him at first, tilting her head. "But I am hungry..." She almost looks like a poor little girl, regardless blood and wounds all over. "Won't you come to give me?" She then licks her lips. "You know what else I could use..." She spreads her legs with a specific look. She trapped even too many soldiers already like that. XD
Aventurine "If there are big predators they can control, they could just get us overrun by them..." They'd all come to hug Tero appa.
His eyes widen, feeling sick every time cannibalism is brought up. "These savages worry more about the life of beasts than that of people?" Baffled to say the least.
"With the brilliance of my cousin, I am certain victory will be in your hands sooner than expected, Jeoha. He has always been well known for his skills."
He wouldn't mind to eat well, his body is still terribly weak and that doesn't increase his chances to survive.
"Jeoha... could I take some herbs from the medical supplies?"

Tero. "Oh, I don't know why you think I'd care to hear that." He finishes to eat that bit of food that was supposed to be hers.
He makes an horrified expression when she does that and even covers his eyes. "Are you trying to make me throw up what I just ate? Luckily my stomach is not weak." She came across the gayest gay of all gayland. Her powers have no effects on his dick! Not to mention he is still a nun wench.
"They said you were scary, now that I see you i am disappointed."
Pantaficus "I am afraid of that too indeed. How many tigers, komodos and leopards could be out there...not to mention beasts we might not even know.
Apparently. If it wasn't for auriold meat, they would be vegan.
I am glad to know. Till now he only looks like a smug brat that wants to brag his skills and manliness at any cost. He mustn't have many friends.
You may but what do you need them for?"

Seiko bursts in laugh at what he does and says, on purpose looking more annoying. "Do they still castrate because of this?" Talking about Imperials with gay people.
"They say I am scary? I don't understand why they would say that." She tilts her head, looking clueless for real.
Aventurine "Though, a strong arrow defence from the archers could neutralise the threat, fire arrows. No tiger could escape those flames."
Vegan, that scary and mysterious words that leave any Korean in a state of shock.
"It's that... we lived our childhood in a very... particular way... so he probably feels in pressure and competition every time there is someone else with him. My presence probably makes it worse to him. I think he started when I was born."
He looks away while answering. "It's... I have a bit of a backache and would like to prepare a tonic for it..."

Tero. "I guess so, considering the number of eunuchs never going low. It's not your problem I guess, you stink like a boar on heat, you surely find many partners without complications."
He shrugs. "You bite off a finger and thus turn so sensitive. Bite off a jugular at least."