
Birth name: Wool.
Familiar name: GongPo. (Used only by his closest relatives in private moments.)
Crown Prince name: BangSul. (Used by ministers and court high ranked members.)
Dynasty: Yi.
Zodiac: Dragon.
Age: 9.
Status: first son. Crown Prince.
Relationship: unmarried, unpromised.
Mother's clan: Kim.
Father: King Jaewo.
Mother: Queen Minsayeonsang.
*Real mother: Concubine Park. (Unknown Japanese ancestry.)

Nickname: (Self-given) Tero.
Interests: esotericism, mystery, supernatural, fighting techniques.
Sexual orientation: homosexual.
Issues: lack of empathy, anger and hate issues, unbalanced sexual perception, abusive attitude.
Positive sides: smart, crafty, strong, determined, fixable (to an extent).
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1 | Jan 23rd 2020 07:03