1 week.

One week from the end of the matter passed.
Let's say that Aqua's funerals occurred already.
Before returning to "normality" there is still a pending matter: Tomiel. What to do about her?

Her situation is pretty messed, to the point nobody, not even herself, can know how old she exactly is.
In that week she remained in Richard's home, as well as some Avatars including the injured ones.
BangSul just woke up from coma after almost three weeks.
Boo's condition seems to improve, but at an incredibly slow pace.

Since everyone is eager to bring a total end to this 'chapter' of the Avatars' history, a meeting is organized to discuss about the Tomiel matter, to which she will, of course, not participate.

The meeting happens in Richard's house, some Avatars are already sat by the big table of the living room while waiting for the others, or at least who will come.

BangSul is there already. He looks quite messy still and not in a good mood. He is drinking some hot tea while waiting.
Heart this
1 | Oct 21st 2019 06:46
Junn *BangSul dies*
"According to his logic, not even your consorts deserve it. I'm surprised he grants it to your kids at least."
He nods. "Who really looks towards roofs anyway, besides in night and darkness nobody would see us even if they were walking with their heads up. Alternatively I could take her to this house of dogs!" Stealing and destroying every of QinShi's places!!
Fat Lu won't approach too much, it has nobody to hide behind to!!
QinShi doesn't even notice, despite the mess the dogs made and the knocking. But the door is not locked, since the dogs are outside. He usually locks it after calling them back inside.
Junn "He Is sly, he knows he has to be a lickass to survive from the people he pisses off and would come for.his neck! He is only using you!" Only slightly partially true. But Jin adores the kids and Song for real. Not SeungHyun, clearly. XD But the truth is that he improved a lot and in many ways ever since he started to study in Heinmenhos.
"Doesn't she like fur? She could make a coat for the winter out of it!" Crudelia Demon.
Song knows those evil dogs can open doors >:o)

QinShi. He is on the floor, washing it with a wet cloth. Bucket next to him.
The parquet is not just clean, it's consumed for how much it was cleaned just in the past days.
This is the third time he does it today, in a row. He doesn't do it on purpose, he doesn't even realize it until he something catches his attention enough to stop. And not even being called is enough. He continues to rub the floor.
Junn "Of course you are fine with the way he is if he keeps licking your ass. The problem arrives when he pisses off the wrong one and your ass will be too far to save his." It's mystical how one could basically replace every word in a sentence with 'ass' and still make sense.
"Was it a relationship even? Sounds more like friends with privileges." Which he fully supports.

QinShi. He slightly jumps when someone touches him and that's enough to snap out of that loop. He remains motionless at first, a bit lost. He even feels a bit scared now.
"Saranghaeyo..." he murmurs, after a long silence.
Junn "I bet not, he looks like the kind of old fashioned dude who'd rather lick the asses of people like the Minister of Inner Affairs..." That little opportunistic bitch.
"I can understand why, some people do their best to pull the insult out of you..." Like toxic haters in IG.
"Your love story with that girl is so twisty you could write it up, it'd be a best seller!" But it'd be an obscene book, not like 50 shades of Grey.

QinShi. If he asks him like this... "Ye... I come back... I come back with you..." Right now he is actually so touched, even if he still looks a little stunned overall. That is just his whole state of mind, it doesn't depend on the moment.
ShinLin "Aniyo... aniyo the pets can be here... I give money to someone for them..." He knows Song doesn't like them, so he doesn't want to bring them to his home.
"Only Louis, o-only Louis..."