
Agathe Gabriela Clement

// trigger warnings; mentioning of sexual abuse, trust issues and trauma.

x basics x
Age; 19 – 26
Ethnicity; Scandinavian
From; Stockholm, Sweden
Sexuality; Heterosexual
D/S/S; Submissive
Occupation; Hairdresser

x looks x
Skin color; pale
Eye color; light green
Hair color; natural redhead
Height; 170cm // 5´5”
Weight; 65kg // 143lbs

x story x

Agathe used to be a happy and cheerful girl when she was younger. Up until the age of 5 her parents were loving and caring. One day her father got hurt in a car crash, the injuries leading to his death. Her mother was devastated, falling into depression. She was still able to take care of Agathe with her physical needs, but not like before. A year later she found a new boyfriend, giving Agathe a new father. It was all fun and games in the beginning, and her mother seemed somewhat happy again. Once Agathe´s mother was back at work she left her new boyfriend with Agathe. Little did she know that this would cause more pain than she thought. Agathe´s new stepfather usually took playtime a bit too far. It took a year for Agathe´s mother to find out, because Agathe didn´t want to take her mother´s happiness away from her again. Years passed with therapists trying to help Agathe. Now as she has grown up, she´s put her past behind her and tries to live a normal life. Sometimes she gets meltdowns, but is luckily feeling good most of the time.
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6 | Jul 30th 2019 16:47